|Tabbed by Giant Jack|

Artist - AC/DC
Song   - Decibel
Album  - Black Ice
Year   - 2008



pm - Palm Mute
h  - Hammer On
~  - Vibrato
x  - Dead Note
b  - Bend
=  - Tremolo Picking

         (Palm Mute 0's Only)

   Intro/Verse 1             Bridge 
pm. . . . . . .   .         . . .   . .
|---------------------|   |-------------|
|---------------------|   |-------------|
|---7-5---7---7h9-7~~~|   |---7-5h7---7-|
|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---0---|   |-0-0-0---0-0-|
|---------------------|   |-------------|
|-2-x-5--2--0-|----------2---5---2---0-----| x2

   Verse 2
pm. . . . . . .   .   .  . . . . . .   . .
|---7-5---7---7h9-7~~~|---12-5---7---7h9-7-| x2

pm. . . . . . .   .        . . . . .  
|---------------------|  |-----------|
|---------------------|  |-----------|
|---------------------|  |-----------|
|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---0---|  |-0-0-0-0-0-|
|---------------------|  |-----------|

   Chorus 2/Rythem
|-2-x-5-x-x-x--2-|----2-x-5-x-x-x--0--------| x2

   Chorus 2/Lead    
|----------------------|-----------------------| x2

   Verse 3                   Bridge (Solo Starts)
pm. . . . . . .   .     .  . . . . . .   .
|---7-5---7---7h9-7~~~|---12-5---7---7h9-7-| x2

pm. . . . . . .   .        . . . . .  
|---------------------|  |-----------|
|---------------------|  |-----------|
|---------------------|  |-----------|
|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---0---|  |-0-0-0-0-0-|
|---------------------|  |-----------|

                                                 Solo End

   Chorus 2/Rythem
|-2-x-5-x-x-x-2-|----2-x-5-x-x-x-0--------| x2

   Chorus 2/Lead    
|----------------------|-----------------------| x2

   Chorus          (Play Fig. 1)
|-2-x-5--2-0-|-----2---5---2---0-----| x2

  Fig. 1

  Fig. 2

  Verse 4
pm. . . . . . .   .     .  . . . . . .   .
|---7-5---7---7h9-7~~~|---12-5---7---7h9-7-| x5

pm. . . . . . .   .     .  . . . .     

   Chorus 2/Rythem
|-2-x-5-x-x-x-2-|----2-x-5-x-x-x-0--------| x2

   Chorus 2/Lead    
|----------------------|-----------------------| x2

| I Am Jack's Lack Of Will To Finish |
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