Almost Lover Tab									by AFine (x02220@1)Frenzy tabs |											tabbed by iamghost | 									comments (0) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																						   								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																																													More versions:																																																																																																																																			Ver 1																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														Recommended tabs																																																											If you like Almost Lover Tab by AFine (x02220@1)Frenzy you might also like these songs:																									Im Yours Tabby Jason Mraz																									Love Story Chordsby Taylor Swift																									The Climb Chordsby Miley Cyrus																																																																																																																																Almost Lover Lyricsby AFine (x02220@1)Frenzy Lyrics																						Almost Lover Tabat																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															- to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																											Almost Lover tab by AFine (x02220@1)Frenzy, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com																																													Listen to Almost Lover																																														Add to favourites																																																																																														tf_artist = "A Fine Frenzy";											tf_song = "Almost Lover";																																																												okay so i'm tabbing this song in the drop Dversion (xx0232@1)that i made. i don't think adrop (x02210@1)D version has ever been made before? but it sounds pretty good so yeahhh check it out.

The chords used in the song are in chromatic order:
  Am (x02210@1) B5?  C (x32010@1)   Dm (xx0231@1) Em (022000@1) F (133211@1)  G|-----------------5-----------------| (320003@1)|-10---12---13----3----5----6----8--|

okay so now i know this isn't the exact piano part, but it sounds kinda like it but it's 
cool too.

|---2---2---4---5---5-5---------------| x2

Okay so I just tabbed out the lyrics and some piano with a clean tone. quite beautiful.


  Images.....  (piano)

           AmYour (x02210@1)fingertips across my skin
               FThe (133211@1)palm trees swaying in the wind
   Am (x02210@1)          FImages (133211@1)

  Clever trick (piano)

             AmYou (x02210@1)sang me Spanish lullabies
             FThe (133211@1)sweetest sadness in your eyes
         Am (x02210@1)        FClever (133211@1)trick



       G (320003@1)                     CWell (x32010@1)I never want to see you unhappy
  Dm (xx0231@1)                               GI (320003@1)thought you'd want the same for me









CGoodbye, (x32010@1)my almost lover
GGoodbye, (320003@1)my hopeless dream
DmI'm (xx0231@1)trying not to think about you
FCan't (133211@1)you just let me be?
CSo (x32010@1)long, my luckless romance
GMy (320003@1)back is turned on you
DmI (xx0231@1)should've known you'd bring me heartache
F (133211@1)                  CAlmost (x32010@1)lovers always do




           AmWe (x02210@1)walked along a crowded street
            FYou (133211@1)took my hand and danced with me
   Am (x02210@1)          FImages (133211@1)


             AmAnd (x02210@1)when you left you kissed my lips
                      F (133211@1)                       AmYou (x02210@1)told me you would never ever forget these images
      FNo... (133211@1)



     G (320003@1)                       CWell (x32010@1)I never want to see you unhappy
  Dm (xx0231@1)                            GI (320003@1)thought you'd want the same for me









CGoodbye, (x32010@1)my almost lover
GGoodbye, (320003@1)my hopeless dream
DmI'm (xx0231@1)trying not to think about you
FCan't (133211@1)you just let me be?
CSo (x32010@1)long, my luckless romance
GMy (320003@1)back is turned on you
DmI (xx0231@1)should've known you'd bring me heartache
F (133211@1)                  C (x32010@1)    C (x32010@1)B5Almost (x244xx@1)lovers always do

not sure if this is correct but play around with it.







Am (x02210@1)                 GI (320003@1)cannot go to the ocean
                              FI (133211@1)cannot drive the streets at night
                           EmI (022000@1)cannot wake up in the morning
                        AmWithout (x02210@1)you on my mind
                           GSo (320003@1)you're gone and I'm haunted
                       FAnd (133211@1)I bet you are just fine
                      DmDid (xx0231@1)I make it that easy
                               GTo (320003@1)walk right in and out of my life?









CGoodbye, (x32010@1)my almost lover
GGoodbye, (320003@1)my hopeless dream
DmI'm (xx0231@1)trying not to think about you
FCan't (133211@1)you just let me be?
CSo (x32010@1)long, my luckless romance
GMy (320003@1)back is turned on you
DmI (xx0231@1)should've known you'd bring me heartache
FAlmost (133211@1)lovers always...
CDo (x32010@1)																																														Almost Lover Lyrics																																																	tf_artist = "A Fine Frenzy";											tf_song = "Almost Lover";																															         																																																																																																		

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