D5  F#5  G5  D5  A5  A5  (riff 1)  

 A5  D5 (riff 2)

D5                        F#5
Sometimes When I'm Awful Low
        G5               D5              A5
i Don't Think About The Blue Sky
                   A5  A5       (riff 1)
just Wanna See The Magic In Her Eyes
       G5            A5    D5 (riff 2)
and It Shows Me The Same Afterglow

E5            B5
she Ain't The Kind
            G5         D5
that You'll Easily Forget
E5                    B5
boy, You're Husseling Roses
         G5         D5
down The Avenue Of Death
and You Don't Want
    A5                           D5 (riff 2)
you Don't Want To Lose Her Yet

Riff 1:              Riff 2:                  A+ Chord: (real name??)
----------------     -2-2---2-3---3-2----     ----------------- | 
----------------     -3-----3-------3----     ------3---------- | 
----------------     -2------------------     ------2---------- | 
----------------     -0------------------     ------2---------- | 
-2---1----------     --------------------     -----(0)--------- | 
---------5---4~~     --------------------     ----------------- | 

Tabbed by Nick Gallis
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