Verse 1
C G?7 G7
Baby face, You got the cutest little baby face
There?s not another who can take your place
C E7 A7
My Ba - by face,
D7 G7
My poor heart is thumping, you sure have started something?
C E7 A4 E7 C C7
Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m in your fond emb - race
F Fm C E7 A7
I didn?t need a shove, well I went and fell in love
D7 G7 C
With my pretty baby face.
Verse 2
C G?7 G7
Baby face, you?ve got the cutest little tootsie face
There?s not another who can take your place
C E7 A7
My Ba - by face,
Well my poor heart is jumping
You know you went and started something
C E7 A4 E7 C C7
Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m in your fond emb - race
F Fm C E7 A7
I didn?t need a shove, Cos I went and fell in love
D7 G7 D7 G7
With your pretty little baby, pretty little baby
D7 G7 C G7 C
Talking ?bout a little baby face
Verse 1
D A?7 A7
Baby face, You got the cutest little baby face
There?s not another who can take your place
D F#7 B7
My Ba - by face,
E7 A7
My poor heart is thumping, you sure have started something?
D F#7 B4 F#7 D D7
Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m in your fond emb - race
G Gm D F#7 B7
I didn?t need a shove, well I went and fell in love
E7 A7 D
With my pretty baby face.
Verse 2
D A?7 A7
Baby face, you?ve got the cutest little tootsie face
There?s not another who can take your place
D F#7 B7
My Ba - by face,
Well my poor heart is jumping
You know you went and started something
D F#7 B4 F#7 D D7
Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m in your fond emb - race
G Gm D F#7 B7
I didn?t need a shove, Cos I went and fell in love
E7 A7 E7 A7
With your pretty little baby, pretty little baby
E7 A7 D A7 D
Talking ?bout a little baby face
Verse 1
E B?7 B7
Baby face, You got the cutest little baby face
There?s not another who can take your place
E G#7 C#7
My Ba - by face,
F#7 B7
My poor heart is thumping, you sure have started something?
E G#7 C#4 G#7 E E7
Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m in your fond emb - race
A Am E G#7 C#7
I didn?t need a shove, well I went and fell in love
F#7 B7 E
With my pretty baby face.
Verse 2
E B?7 B7
Baby face, you?ve got the cutest little tootsie face
There?s not another who can take your place
E G#7 C#7
My Ba - by face,
Well my poor heart is jumping
You know you went and started something
E G#7 C#4 G#7 E E7
Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m in your fond emb - race
A Am E G#7 C#7
I didn?t need a shove, Cos I went and fell in love
F#7 B7 F#7 B7
With your pretty little baby, pretty little baby
F#7 B7 E B7 E
Talking ?bout a little baby face
Verse 1
F C?7 C7
Baby face, You got the cutest little baby face
There?s not another who can take your place
F A7 D7
My Ba - by face,
G7 C7
My poor heart is thumping, you sure have started something?
F A7 D4 A7 F F7
Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m in your fond emb - race
Bb Bbm F A7 D7
I didn?t need a shove, well I went and fell in love
G7 C7 F
With my pretty baby face.
Verse 2
F C?7 C7
Baby face, you?ve got the cutest little tootsie face
There?s not another who can take your place
F A7 D7
My Ba - by face,
Well my poor heart is jumping
You know you went and started something
F A7 D4 A7 F F7
Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m in your fond emb - race
Bb Bbm F A7 D7
I didn?t need a shove, Cos I went and fell in love
G7 C7 G7 C7
With your pretty little baby, pretty little baby
G7 C7 F C7 F
Talking ?bout a little baby face
Verse 1
G D?7 D7
Baby face, You got the cutest little baby face
There?s not another who can take your place
G B7 E7
My Ba - by face,
A7 D7
My poor heart is thumping, you sure have started something?
G B7 E4 B7 G G7
Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m in your fond emb - race
C Cm G B7 E7
I didn?t need a shove, well I went and fell in love
A7 D7 G
With my pretty baby face.
Verse 2
G D?7 D7
Baby face, you?ve got the cutest little tootsie face
There?s not another who can take your place
G B7 E7
My Ba - by face,
Well my poor heart is jumping
You know you went and started something
G B7 E4 B7 G G7
Baby face, I?m up in heaven when I?m in your fond emb - race
C Cm G B7 E7
I didn?t need a shove, Cos I went and fell in love
A7 D7 A7 D7
With your pretty little baby, pretty little baby
A7 D7 G D7 G
Talking ?bout a little baby face