AIN'T WASTIN' TIME NO MORE As recorded by The Allman Brothers Band (From the 1972 Album EAT A PEACH) Words and Music by Gregg Allman Gtr I (E A D G B E) - 'Untitled' Gtr II (E B E G# B E) - 'Untitled' Gtr III (E A D G B E) - 'Untitled' Q=68 1/4 4/4 Gtr I S S S S +Q S S S S +S E S S S E H S S E S S S S |---------|----------------------------|-------------------0-3---3-0-----| |---------|------2-----0-(0)-----------|-------2-----0-(0)-----------1-2-| |-----2---|------2-----0-(0)---------2-|-----2-2-----0-(0)-----------2---| |-0h2-----|--------2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2---|---2-----2---2-(2)-2---2-0h2-----| |-------0-|-(0)------0-----------------|-0---------0---------------------| |---------|----------------------------|---------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E H. E S S +H. E S S |------------------------------5-|-(5)-----------------------------| |--------2-----------------------|---------------0-(0)-----1---2---| |-2----2-2-----4-(4)-----5---6---|---------6-----0-(0)---------2-2-| |----2-----2---5-(5)---------7---|-------7-7-----2-(2)-2-2-0h2-----| |-0----------0-7-(7)-7-7-5h7-----|-----7-----7---------------------| |--------------------------------|--5----------5-------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E $ E E E S S S S S S E E Q S S S S S S E S S S S ||-------------------------------|-------------------0-3---5--------| ||---2---2---2-2-----------------|-------2--------0----------5-1h2--| ||-2---2-2--------2--2---2-2---2-|-----2-2-2---2---------------2----| ||---2-----2---2-(2)-2---2-0h2---|---2-----2---2-(2)-2---2-0h2------| ||-0---------0-------------------|-0---------0----------------------| ||-------------------------------|----------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E. S E S S Q S S E Q E S S S S E a E a E |------------------------------|-----------------------------------| |--------2---2-0---------------|-------2---2-0-----2-0---1S2---1S2-| |------2-2-----0--2------2-2-2-|-----2-2-----0--2----------------2-| |----2-----2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2-2-|---2-----2---2-(2)-2---2---0h2-----| |-0----------0-----------------|-0---------0-----------------------| |------------------------------|-----------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S E S E. S S S E E. S S S E E. S S S a E |-------0-----0--2----2-------|--------------------------------| |---2-2-2-2---0-(0)-----0-----|-----------------1----2-5-4-1S2-| |-----2-2-----0-(0)-------2---|--------2-0-2-----------------2-| |---2-----2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2-4-|----2-4---2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2-----| |-0---------0-----------------|-0----------0-------------------| |-----------------------------|--------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E. S S E S S E S E E |------------------------------| |--------1-1---1--1------------| |------2-2-----------2-2-2---2-| |----2-----2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2---| |-0----------0-----------------| |------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E To Coda S S S S E S S +S E. S S E S S E E S S S E S S E. |--------------------------------|-----------------0---0-(0)-2---| |---2-2-2-2---2-0-(0)--------3-3-|-3--1------3-3-3---3-----------| |-------2-2-----------2--------2-|-2-(2)--2--2-----2---2--2--2---| |-----2-----2---2-(2)-2--2-0h2---|-0-(0)-(0)-0-----2-2-2--2--2---| |-0-----------0------------------|-0-(0)-(0)-0-----4-4-4--4--4---| |--------------------------------|-------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E S S E Q E E E E |----------------------------| |-0------0-----1--0---0------| |----2---------1-(1)------2--| |-1-(1)-(1)-1--2-(2)-(2)-(2)-| |-2-(2)-(2)-2--2-(2)-(2)-(2)-| |----------------------------| Q E S S Q E S S E S S S S E H |-----------------------|----------------------------| |-2--1---1-(1)s==2------|-2--2-----------0--2-(2)----| |-2----2----0---(0)-----|-2--2---2--(2)--0--0--0-----| |-2---------2---(2)---2-|-2-(2)-(2)--2--(2)-2-(2)----| |-0---------------------|-0-(0)-(0)------------------| |-----------------------|----------------------------| W H S S E E S S |-----------------------------|-------------------0-3---------5-|| |-------2-----0-(0)-----------|-------2-----0-(0)-------1---2---|| |-----2-2-----0-(0)---------2-|-----2-2-----0-(0)-----------2---|| |---2-----2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2---|---2-----2---2-(2)-2---2-0h2-----|| |-0---------0-----------------|-0---------0---------------------|| |-----------------------------|---------------------------------|| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E +Q E. S S E S S S S S Q E S S +S E S S S S S |-(5)------------------------------|-----------------------3-------| |---------2------2-----------------|-------------0-(0)-2-----5-1h2-| |-------2-2------0--2--2-2-2-1-2---|-----2-2---0---------------2---| |-----2------2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2---2-|---2-----2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2-----| |--0-----------0-------------------|-0---------0-------------------| |----------------------------------|-------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S E E S E S Q E S S E S T T E E E E |-----------------------------|---------------------------------| |---2-2-2---2----0------------|-------------1-2--1--------------| |-2---2-2-----0-(0)-2-2-----2-|---2-0-2---0-----------2---2---2-| |---2-----2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2---|---2-----2---2---(2)-2---2-0h2---| |-0---------0-----------------|-0---------0---------------------| |-----------------------------|---------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E E E S S +S E S E E S S S S E S S S S S S S S S S |-------0-----2-(2)-0---------|-------------------------5-------5-| |---2-------2-0-(0)---1-------|---------------1h=2--1-2-----1h2---| |-----2-2-----0-(0)-----2---2-|-2-2-2-2-2-----0-(0)-----------2---| |---2-----2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2---|-----2-----2-4-2-(2)-2---2-0h2-----| |-0---------0-----------------|-0-----------0---------------------| |-----------------------------|-----------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E S E S +S E S +S E S E. S +E E S S S S E S S E E |-----------------------------------|-------------------------------|| |-2-2---0-(0)-----------3---------2-|-(2)---------------------3---3-|| |-------2--2--2---2-(2)---------2---|-----2---2-2-2-2-------2-----2-|| |-----2-------2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2-----|-----2-----2---2-2-2---2-0h2---|| |-0-------------0-------------------|--0----------0-----------------|| |-----------------------------------|-------------------------------|| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S S E S S S E D A6/C# B E S S E E S S E S S +S S E S S E E. S E E S S S S Q S S S S Q E E |--------------------0-(0)-0-2-|------------------------|----------------------| |-3-1-----3-3-5----3-----------|-0---1------2-0-0-------|-2--1-2-1-1-(1)--1-3--| |-2---2-2-----4----------------|---2------1-1-----2-2---|-2-----------0--------| |-0-----0-----4-4-------4------|-1-----1----2---------4-|-2-----------2--------| |-0-----0-----7-7-------7------|-2-----2----2-----------|-0--------------------| |-------------5-5-------5------|------------------------|----------------------| Q Q S E. Q Q Q H S S E E S S E E +S S E Q S S S S +S E S S S S S |---------------------------|----------------------------| |-2---2-0-0-0-(0)-----------|-2--2-----0-(0)-------------| |-2-2----------0--2-(2)-----|-2--2-----0-(0)---------2---| |-2------------2--------4-2-|-2----2---2-(2)-2-2-0-2-----| |-0-------------------------|-0------0-----------------0-| |---------------------------|----------------------------| Q S S S S +S E S S S S S |----------------------------|| |-2--2-----0-(0)-------------|| |-2--2-----0-(0)---------2---|| |-2----2---2-(2)-2-2-0-2-----|| |-0------0-----------------0-|| |----------------------------|| S E S +S S E E S S E S S S S E S S S S +S S E S S E |---------------0-----------0-|-----5-0-----3-(3)---0--------| |-3-3-3-(3)-3-1-----3-3-3-2---|-5-3-----3-2-------2---1-2----| |-2------2------2-2-----2-----|-2-------------------------2--| |-0------0------0-0-----0-----|-2----------------------------| |-0------0------0-0-----0-----|-0----------------------------| |-----------------------------|------------------------------| Q Q S S E Q W E. S +E E S S S S +S S S S S S S S E S S S S S S +E S S |-5----------------------------|---5-----5----------------------| |-7--8-(8)-8-5-5-5-------------|-5-----5------------------------| |-5-----5----5-5---7-(7)-5-----|-5---------5-6------------------| |-7-----7----7-7------7----7-7-|-7-------------7-5---7-(7)---7--| |-5-----5----5-5------5--------|-7-----------------7------------| |-5-----5----5-5------5--------|-5------------------------------| Q Q S S E Q W S E S +S E T T E E S S S S E E E S S +E E E S S E E E S S S E. E. S |-0-----------0-----------------|-----------------------|---------------------| |-1-3-3-(3)-3---3-1-----1-------|-1-1-----1-(1)---------|-2-0-0---1-0---------| |-2------2--------2-2---2-2-2-2-|-2---2-2-----------2-0-|-1-----2-----2-----2-| |-0------0--------0-0---0-------|-2---------------------|-2-------------------| |-0------0--------0-0---0-------|-0---------------------|-2-------------------| |-------------------------------|-----------------------|---------------------| Q Q S S E Q S E S E. S S E S E E H +E E S S S S |-0------------------5-||-[17]-------------([17])-------<12>------------| |-1-3-3-3--3-1---------||----------2-----0---(0)------------------------| |-2------------2-2-----||--------2-2-----0---(0)------------<7>---------| |-0----------------0---||------2-----2---2---(2)--2---2---0h=2------<7>-| |-0------------------4-||---0----------0------------------------<9>-----| |----------------------||-----------------------------------------------| W E S S S S S S +S E S S S E +H. Q |---------------------------5------| |-----------2-----0-(0)------------| |---------2-2-----0-(0)---------2--| |-(<7>)-2-----2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2----| |---------------0------------------| |---5------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E H. S S S S |-[17]---------------------<12>------------| |----------2-----0-(0)---------------------| |--------2-2-----0-(0)---------<7>---------| |------2-----2---2-(2)-2-2---0h=2------<7>-| |---0----------0-------------------<9>-----| |------------------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E +H Q E S S |-------------------<12>-----<12>------<12>-| |-----------2-----0--(0)--------------------| |---------2-2-----0--(0)------------2-------| |-(<7>)-2-----2---2--(2)-2-2---0h2----------| |---0-----------0------------------<9>------| |-------------------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E +Q S S S T T Q S S S S |-(<12>)-----<12>---------<12>-----<12>---<12>---------<12>-| |-----------------------------------------------------------| |----------2------<7>----------<7>-------------<7>----------| |--------2--------------------------------------------------| |----0----------------<9>--------------------------<9>------| |-----------------------------------------------------------| E S S H. +Q S S S S +E E S S S S |-(<12>)-----<12>---------<12>-(<12>)-------<12>---------<12>--| |--------------------------------------------------------------| |----------2------<7>------------------<5>-------<7>-----------| |--------2-----------------------------------------------------| |----0----------------<9>----------------------------<9>-------| |--------------------------------------------------------------| E S S H. +Q S S S S +Q E S S |-(<12>)-----<12>---------<12>-(<12>)----------------| |----------------------------------------------------| |----------2------<7>-------------------<7>------<7>-| |--------2-------------------------------------------| |----0----------------<9>--------------------<9>-----| |----------------------------------------------------| E S S H. +S S E S E S E E S E. |------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------| |-(<7>)-----<7>------<7>-------<7>---------------| |------------------------------------------<7>---| |-------<9>------<9>------<9>-------<9>----<5>---| |------------------------------------------------| D/A A6/C# Q Q S S S S +E E |------------------------------------| |------------------------------------| |---------------<12>-----------------| |-<7>--<7>--<7>----------<7>-(<7>)---| |------------------------------------| |--------------------<5>-------------| B E H S E S +E E H. E. S +W |----------------------------------|-------------------------|-----------| |-<12>-----------------------------|-------------------------|-----------| |----------------------------------|--------------------<12>-|-(<12>)----| |----------------------------------|-<7>----------<7>--------|-----------| |----------<12>----------------<9>-|-------------------------|-----------| |---------------<12>-<5>-(<5>)-----|-------------------------|-----------| D.S. al Coda W W |------------------------------|---------------------------------|| |--------2-----0-(0)-----------|-------2-----0-(0)---------------|| |------2-2-----0-(0)---------2-|-----2-2-----0-(0)----------2----|| |----2-----2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2---|---2-----2---2-(2)-2--2-0h2------|| |-0----------0-----------------|-0---------0---------------------|| |------------------------------|---------------------------------|| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E & S S E E. S S S E E S S Q S S S S +H |------------------------|-----------------------------| |-1---0----0-1h2-0-------|-------1-2---0-(0)-----------| |---2--------------2-0---|-----2-2---2-0-(0)---------2-| |-1-----1----2---------2-|---2-----2---2-(2)-2-2-0h2---| |-2-----2----2-----------|-0---------0-----------------| |-2-----2----0-----------|-----------------------------| Q Q H E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S +E E |------------------------------| |---2-2-0----------------------| |-----2-2-0-0-2-(2)-2-x-(x)--2-| |---2-----2---2-(2)-2-2--0h2---| |-0---------0------------------| |------------------------------| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E Q E S S +S E S +E S S S S S S E E Q Q |----------------------------0---|---0------------------------------|| |-------2---2-3-(3)-3-2-(2)----2-|-2---2-0-------0-(0)--------------|| |-----2-2--------------------2---|-------2-2---2-0-(0)----------2---|| |---2-----2---2-(2)-2-2--0h2-----|-----2-----2---2-(2)-2--2-0h2-----|| |-0---------0--------------------|-0-----------0--------------------|| |--------------------------------|----------------------------------|| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E W W ||--------------------------------|--------------------------------|| ||o-------2-----0-(0)-------------|-------2-----0-(0)-------------o|| ||------2-2-----0-(0)----------2--|-----2-2-----0-(0)----------2---|| ||----2-----2---2-(2)-2--2-0h2----|---2-----2---2-(2)-2--2-0h2-----|| ||o-0---------0-------------------|-0---------0-------------------o|| ||--------------------------------|--------------------------------|| E S S S S S S +S E S S S E E S S S S S S +S E S S S E Duration Legend --------------- W - whole; H - half; Q - quarter; E - 8th; S - 16th; T - 32nd; X - 64th; a - acciaccatura + - note tied to previous; . - note dotted; .. - note double dotted Uncapitalized letters represent notes that are staccato (1/2 duration) Irregular groupings are notated above the duration line Duration letters will always appear directly above the note/fret number it represents the duration for. Duration letters with no fret number below them represent rests. Multi- bar rests are notated in the form Wxn, where n is the number of bars to rest for. Low melody durations appear below the staff Tablature Legend ---------------- h - hammer-on p - pull-off b - bend pb - pre-bend r - bend release (if no number after the r, then release immediately) /\ - slide into or out of (from/to "nowhere") s - legato slide S - shift slide- natural harmonic [n] - artificial harmonic n(n) - tapped harmonic ~ - vibrato tr - trill T - tap TP - trem. picking PM - palm muting \n/ - tremolo bar dip; n = amount to dip \n - tremolo bar down n/ - tremolo bar up /n\ - tremolo bar inverted dip = - hold bend; also acts as connecting device for hammers/pulls <> - volume swell (louder/softer) x - on rhythm slash represents muted slash o - on rhythm slash represents single note slash Misc Legend ----------- | - bar || - double bar ||o - repeat start o|| - repeat end *| - double bar (ending) : - bar (freetime) $ - Segno & - Coda Tempo markers - = BPM(8/16=s8/s16), where s8 = swing 8ths, s16 = swing 16ths