• Song:

    If Loneliness Was Art

  • Artist:

    Allo Darlin

  • Album:

    If Loneliness Was Art

Tabber: Glossop

There arn't many songs for Allo Darlin' which i couldn't believe as there music is 
incredible. Thus, i've worked out a couple and tabbed them out for everyone, even though a 
lot of their songs are played on a uke, they sound good on guitar too! Hope you enjoy.

A(barchord) (x02220@1)                      F#mYou've (244222@1)been on your own as long as I recall:
   A (x02220@1)                         F#m (244222@1)             DIf (xx0232@1)loneliness was art, I could hang you from the wall
A(open) (x02220@1) D (xx0232@1)         A (x02220@1) In some Berlin hall.
   A(barchord) (x02220@1)                       F#mIt (244222@1)doesn't matter where you've been or who you have been with,
     A (x02220@1)                                     F#mIt's (244222@1)like the just Joans said: 'you're oh so sensitive!',
        D (xx0232@1)     AIn (x02220@1)that jumper,
        D (xx0232@1)     AIn (x02220@1)that t-shirt.

(The rythem changes slightly here so listen to the song to work out the strumming pattern!)
D (xx0232@1)                   AThis (x02220@1)situation has to change:
DCan (xx0232@1)you feel the pulse
   AMy (x02220@1)heavy heart race?
     E (022100@1)              DSome (xx0232@1)day I'm going to be your girl,
EOne (022100@1)fine day:
D (xx0232@1)A (x02220@1)   F#m (244222@1)   A (x02220@1)    F#m (244222@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1)EI'm (022100@1)going to be your girl (la la la lala la etc)
A (x02220@1)                         F#mWhen (244222@1)I'm all alone I find a map of the world
A (x02220@1)                             F#mzoom (244222@1)in on your island 'til the pixels form
     D (xx0232@1)        Ahave (x02220@1)some booze
     D (xx0232@1)         A'til (x02220@1)I can't see you.
D (xx0232@1)                   AThis (x02220@1)situation has to change
DCan (xx0232@1)you feel the pulse
   Amy (x02220@1)heavy heart race?
     E (strum once)    D (strum once)
Some day, I'm going to be your girl.
E (strum once)
One fine day,
D(strum (xx0232@1)once)               Ayou're (x02220@1)going to make me your girl.

A (x02220@1)                                 F#mWe (244222@1)make believe that our hearts are never shot
    A (x02220@1)                                  F#mand (244222@1)somehow you've convinced me that I'm pretty
when I'm not.
A (x02220@1)                       F#mEverybody (244222@1)I know wants to be your friend
    A (x02220@1)                              F#mbut (244222@1)I just want to hold you when the music ends,
       D (xx0232@1)        Athat's (x02220@1)all, all I ask.
   D (xx0232@1)      AIs (x02220@1)that too crass?
D (xx0232@1)                   AThis (x02220@1)situation has to change
Dcan (xx0232@1)you feel the pulse
   Amy (x02220@1)heavy heart race
     E (022100@1)              Dsome (xx0232@1)day I'm going to be your girl,
Eone (022100@1)fine day,
D (xx0232@1)A (x02220@1)      F#m (244222@1)     A (x02220@1)  F#m (244222@1)     A.
you're going to make me your girl.
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