• Song:

    Make Me Laugh

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    Anthrology: No Hit Wond...

 																																													Make Me Laugh Tab									by Anthrax tabs |											tabbed by 80smetalfreke | 									comments (0) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																						   								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																																																																																																					Make Me Laugh Lyricsby Anthrax Lyrics																						Make Me Laugh Tabat 911Tabs.com																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															- to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																											Make Me Laugh tab by Anthrax, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com																																													Listen to Make Me Laugh																																														Add to favourites																																																																				Difficulty: intermediate																																																																																			tf_artist = "Anthrax";											tf_song = "Make Me Laugh";																																																												ANTHRAX - MAKE ME LAUGH
(State Of Euphoria, 1988)

= after note = vibrato
^ after note = heavy vibrato
 = slide down
/ = slide up
+ = tap
h = hammer
p = pull
n = natural harmonic
s = pinching harmonic (squeal)
* = tremolo pick
t = trill
b = bend
|-3-| = triplet

n number above the tab = play the first part then the first finishing part
			 play the first part asecond (x02210@1)time and then play the second finishing part

Riff 1

E ----------------------------|
B ----------------------------|
G ----------------------2-----|
D -----2-3---------2-3----3-2-|
A ---2-----------2------------|
E -0-----------0--------------|

Riff 1A

E ----------------------------|
B ----------------------3-----|
G -----2-3---------2-3----3-2-|
D ---2-----------2------------|
A ----------------------------|
E -0-----------0--------------|

Riff 1B

E -------------------------|
B -------------------------|
G -------------------------|
D -2-2-2-3-----2-2-2-3-----|
A -2-2-2-3-----2-2-2-3-----|
E -0-0-0-1-----0-0-0-1-----|

Riff 1C

E ---------------------------------|
B ---------------------------------|
G ---------------------------------|
D -2-2-2-3-----2-2-2-3-----2-2-2-2-|
A -2-2-2-3-----2-2-2-3-----2-2-2-2-|
E -0-0-0-1-----0-0-0-1-----0-0-0-0-|

Riff 2

E ----------------------------|
B ----------------------------|
G ----------------------------|
D ----------------------0-----|
A -----1-2---------1-2----2-1-|
E -0-1---------0-1------------|

Riff 2A

E ----------------------------|
B ----------------------------|
G ----------------------2-----|
D -----3-4---------3-4----4-3-|
A ---1-----------1------------|
E -0-----------0--------------|

Riff 3

E ----------------------------------------------------------------------|
B ----------------------------------------------------------------------|
G ----------------------------------------------------------------------|
D -------------2----------------2----------------2----------------2-----|
A -------------2----------------2----------------2----------------2-----|
E -0-0-0-0-0-0-0----0-0-0-0-0-0-0----0-0-0-0-0-0-0----0-0-0-0-0-0-0-----|
   |-3-| |-3-|        |-3-| |-3-|         |-3-| |-3-|      |-3-| |-3----|

Riff 4

E -----------------------------|
B -----------------------------|
G -----------------------------|
D -----------------------------|
A -5-5-4-4-3-3-4-4-5-5--4--3---|
E -3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--3--3---|

Riff 5

E ---------------------------------------------|
B ---------------------------------------------|
G -4--4--4--3-----------4--4--4--3-------------|
D -4--4--4--3-----------4--4--4--3------2------|
A -2--2--2--1-----------2--2--2--1--1---2------|
E --------------------0---------------3-0------|

Riff 5A

E -------------------------------------------------------|
B -------------------------------------------------------|
G -4--4--4--3--------------------4--4--4--3--------------|
D -4--4--4--3--------------------4--4--4--3------2-------|
A -2--2--2--1--------------------2--2--2--1--1---2-------|
E ------------3-/6-3-/6-3-/6-0---------------3-0---------|

Riff 5B

E --------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B --------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
G -4--4--4--3----------4--4--4--3----------4--4--4--3----------4--4--4--3---------|
D -4--4--4--3----------4--4--4--3----------4--4--4--3----------4--4--4--3------2--|
A -2--2--2--1----------2--2--2--1----------2--2--2--1----------2--2--2--1--1---2--|
E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------3-0--|

Riff 6

E ------------------------------------------------------------------|
B ------------------------------------------------------------------|
G -------------12-------------------------------12------------------|
D -11--12--14--12--11--12-14--------11--12--14--12--11--12-8--------|
A -11--12--14--10--11--12-14--------11--12--14--10--11--12-8--------|
E -9 --10--12------9 --10-12--0-0-0-9 --10--12------9 --10-6--6-6-6-

Riff 6A

E ------------------------------------------------------------|
B ------------------------------------------------------------|
G -------------12-------------------------------12------------|
D -11--12--14--12--11--12-14--------11--12--14--12--11--12-5--|
A -11--12--14--10--11--12-14--------11--12--14--10--11--12-5--|
E -9 --10--12------9 --10-12--0-0-0-9 --10--12------9 --10-3--

Riff 7

E ------------------------------|
B ------------------------------|
G ------------------------------|
D -------5-4-----4-2---2--------|
A -------5-4-----4-2---2--------|
E -3-3-3-3-2-2-2-2-0-0-0--0-0-2-|

Riff 7A

E ------------------------------|
B ------------------------------|
G ------------------------------|
D -------5-4-----4-2---2--------|
A -------5-4-----4-2---2--------|
E -3-3-3-3-2-2-2-2-0-0-0--0-0-0-|

Riff 8

E ----------------------------|
B ----------------------------|
G ----------------------------|
D -2-2-2-3-----2-2-2-3--7-4-3-|
A -2-2-2-3-----2-2-2-3--7-4-3-|
E -0-0-0-1-----0-0-0-1--5-2-1-|

Riff 8A

E ----------------------------|
B ----------------------------|
G ----------------------2-----|
D -------3-----------3----4-3-|
A ----------------------------|
E -0-0-0-------0-0-0----------|

Riff 8B

E -----------------------------------|
B -----------------------------------|
G -----3-4------3-4-----3-4------3-4-|
D -2-3-3-4------3-4-2-3-3-4------3-4-|
A -2-3-1-2------1-2-2-3-1-2------1-2-|
E -0-1-----00-1-----0-1-----00-1-----|


Riff 1/1A x 4
Riff 2/2A x 2
Riff 1/1A/1B x 1
Riff 1/1A/1C x 1
Riff 3 x 1
Riff 4 x 4
Riff 3 x 1
Riff 4 x 4
Riff 5 x 2
Riff 4 x 4
Riff 5 x 2
Riff 6 x 1
Riff 6A x 1
Riff 7 x 9
Riff 7 x 1
Riff 5A x 2
Riff 4 x 4
Riff 5 x 2
Riff 4 x 4
Riff 5 x 2
Riff 6 x 1
Riff 6A x 1
Riff 7 x 9
Riff 7A x 1
Riff 5A x 2
Riff 8/8A x 2
Solo over Riff 8 x 4
Solo over Riff 8B x 4
Solo over Riff 3 x 2
Riff 6 x 5
Riff 6A x 1
Riff 7 x 9
Riff 7A x 1
Riff 5A x 4
Riff 5B x 1																																																																													tf_artist = "Anthrax";											tf_song = "Make Me Laugh";																															         																																																																																																		

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