Legend: Uppercase letter indicates a part.
         "..." indicates you repeat the note multiple times in a row. (usually 8 or 16)
         When playing parts indicated by "Play ..." make sure to play any indicated repeats.

   A		 	5x
|--------| 	 |--------|  |---------------------|
|--------| 	 |--------|  |-----1---------------|
|--3-3---| 	 |----3-3-|  |-1h3---3---3-3-------|
|--------| 	 |-3------|  |---------------0-1--3|

	B							2x


   D           5x
|-----|  |-------|  |-------|  |-------|
|-----|  |-------|  |----1--|  |-------|
|-3-3-|  |---3-3-|  |-1h3-3-|  |-3---1-|
|-----|  |-3-----|  |-------|  |--1h3--|

Play D


Play B,C,D,E,D,E,D,E,D,E

Last E above ends with:
|--3~-|(Ties in with next part)

	G		    2x

Play E,D,E,D,E and etc. until fade.
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