Lets Get Married Tab by Archie Star archie star- let's get married... i've gotten really tired of searching for the chords for this song... so i've decided to tab them out myself... ugh... don't count on it being %100... sounds pretty right to me though... =/ ...but i'm sure there are mistakes... and it's so "un-professional"... or if i missed anything... but this is good enough to off with... capo 4th fret... drop d tuning... intro / verse: |-2--2----0--0----2--2----0-----| |-3--3--3-3--3--3-3--3--3-3-----| |-2--2--2-2--2--2-2--2--2-2-----| |-0--0--0-0--0--0-0--0--0-0-----| |-0-----------------------------| |-0-------------------------2-4-| *i find it easiest to just use my thumb on the second fret and pinky on the fourth... a suggestion... |-2--2----0--0----2--2----0-------| |-3--3--3-3--3--3-3--3--3-3-------| |-2--2--2-2--2--2-2--2--2-2-------| |-0--0--0-0--0--0-0--0--0-0-------| |-0-------------------------------| |-4-------------------------2-4-2-| |-2--2----0--0----2--2----0--2-0----| |-3--3--3-3--3--3-3--3--3-3--3-3--3-| |-2--2--2-2--2--2-2--2--2-2--2-2--2-| |-0--0--0-0--0--0-0--0--0-0--0-0--0-| |-0-------------------------------0-| |-0-------------------------------0-| or you can play this^^^... whichever... doesn't matter... if you wanna leave the low to the bass... which would be a good idea if you want the prechorus to sound good... prechorus: during the prechorus it goes lower than the low E string, fourth fret... and i guess the way to play the prechorus is on a seven string... or leave it to the bass... sorry but can't tab this... not possible... unless you tune the E string to B or A or something... but i'm not gonna do that... sorry... chorus / bridge / outro: (just mess around with these chords...) |-2---| |-3---| |-2---| |-0---| |-0---| |-0---| "i'm sleeping on the couch..." |-0---| |-0---| |-0---| |-0---| |-2---| |-5---| "...mattress..." and i think that's pretty much it... any corrections / comments are welcome... although don't think alot of people will look at this tab... lol this artist is pretty much =/ ... oh well... it's here anyway... =]