Art Garfunkel - A Heart In New York # From the album Garfunkel # ## NOTE: Most of the strung together chords ## ## are one-note variations, i.e. walkdowns ## CAPO: 5th Fret INTRO: C Cadd9 C Cadd9 C/G F- C/F-Csus/F-C/F G Gsus G New York__ to that tall skyline I come Am F C/E- Dm Gsus G Flying in from London to your door C/G F- C/F-Csus/F-C/F G Gsus G New York__ looking down on Cen----tral Park Am F C/F-G6 C/G Where they say you should not wander after dark C/G F- C/F- Csus/F-C/F G Gsus G New York__ like a scene from all those movies Am F C/E-Dm Gsus G But you're real enough to me, but there's a heart F G C/G A heart that lives in New York BRIDGE: Em F C/F A heart in New York, a rose on the street Dm Am I write my song to that city heartbeat Em F-C-Dm A heart in New York, the love in her eyes Am G-Gsus-G An open door and a friend for the night C/G F-C/F-Csus/F-C/F G Gsus G New York__ you got money on your mind Am F C/E-Dm Gsus G And my words won't make dime's, worth of difference G Gsus D G D So here's to you New York INSTRUMENTAL: Saxophone Break C/G F- C/F-Csus/F-C/F G Gsus G New York - now my plane is touch--ing down Am F C/E Dm Gsus G Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm OUTRO (fade): C/G F-C/F-Csus/F-C/F-G Gsus G Am F C/E-Dm Gsus G