• Song:

    Angry Nerd Rock

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    Anywhere but Here

This is an funny song and I`am sure it is correct just play it and you will see.
Put youre bass in normal tuning -> G D A E
Then play this:

After you played the intro/ Verse one time, you must play these notes:
(8) (6) This is also afther the chorus.

Intro/ verse
g ----------(8)--(6)-------------------4---4---4---|
d -7777766666-4444--666677776666444222---2---22--2-|
a -------------------------------------------------|
e -------------------------------------------------|

g --------------------|--------------------------|-------|
d 7777776667777779997-|-------767676------767676-|-------|
a --------------------|-7--7---------7--7--------|--7--7-|
e --------------------|--------------------------|-------|

That`s it you have to figure out by youre self when you have to play them.
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