Barenaked Ladies Falling for the First Time Written By Steven Page and Ed Robertson Recorded by Barenaked Ladies From the album Maroon Transcribed by John Argentiero ( ----------------------------------------------- This song is played with a capo on the 2nd fret. ----------------------------------------------- Here's the next radio-friendly hit from the BNL guys. Learn it now, and beat the rush! This is the intro riff, which most of the verse riffs are based on. The chords are E major and something that sounds like an A6sus2. Neat chord, oddly enough used in a similar context by Poison in the hit "Something to Believe In." But I digress. Here is the main riff tabbed out. It'll be referred to as Main Riff throughout, mainly because seeing A6sus2 written over and over will give you a headache. E A6sus2 e----0--0--0-0-0---0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0----| B----0--0--0-0-0---0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0----| G----1--1--1-1-1---2--2--2-2-2-2-2-2----| D----2--2--2-2-2---4--4--4-4-4-4-4-4----| A----2--2--2-2-2---0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0----| E----0--0--0-0-0------------------------| You kinda do it naturally anyway, but make the transition between the two chords a slide. Sounds nice. Throughout the rest of the songs, here are the voicings of the chords I'm using. These names aren't entirely correct, but deal with it, they're close enough. Asus2 C#m C#m/A E Badd4 Dsus2 B A e----0-----4-----0-----0-----0-----0-----2-----0-----| B----0-----5-----5-----0-----0-----3-----4-----2-----| G----2-----6-----6-----1-----4-----2-----4-----2-----| D----2-----6-----6-----2-----4-----0-----4-----2-----| A----0-----4-----0-----2-----2-----0-----2-----0-----| E----------------------0-----0-----------------------| For the little chorus line (Feels just like I'm...) Ed does this little riff. We'll call it Riff 1. e----------------2---| B----------------4---| G----------------4---| D----------------4---| A----------------2---| E----2--4--2--0------| You can also use power chords for that to make it sound bigger. Your call. And you may have better luck with the full B chord as a power chord too. The other main guitar riff is the little alto part that pops up after the chorus lines every now and then. Here's a take on that one: This will be officially called Riff 2. e--------------------------|--------------------------| B----------5---7--9--7--5--|----------5---7~~~~----5--| G----4~~~------------------|----4~~~------------------| D--------------------------|--------------------------| A--------------------------|--------------------------| E--------------------------|--------------------------| Now, that 9th fret note in the first measure sounds more like a full pre-bend at the 7th fret, but I can't remember how to notate that in TAB. Any band at the 7th fret should sound ok, or played as written above. Occassionally, the just play the second half of this. I notate when. Anyway, if you're playing this solo acoustic you won't be playing this anyway, so nevermind.