Title: Before I Knew
Artist: Basia Bulat
Album: Oh My Darling
Tabbed by: drown.sp@gmail.com

Felt like this was a little closer to the ukelele sound.

Capo 5 -- All chords & notes relative to capo.

The intro is a triplet feel.  You'll get it if you listen to the song.

Intro x2

e |7-7-7-x-5-5-5-x-|3-3-3-x-2-2-2-x-|2---2-----2-2-2-|--2-2-2---2-2-x-|
B |8-8-8-x-7-7-7-x-|5-5-5-x-3-3-3-x-|3---3-----3-3-3-|--3-3-3---3-3-x-|
G |7-7-7-x-7-7-7-x-|5-5-5-x-2-2-2-x-|2---2-----2-2-2-|--2-2-2---2-2-x-|
D |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
A |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
E |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|

               COh, (x32010@1)it was the first time I fell in love
                 GThe (320003@1)first time I felt my heart
           CIt (x32010@1)was the first time we sang out loud
                GAll (320003@1)through the night

             CBut (x32010@1)before I knew it, I was lost
         GBefore (320003@1)I knew I was a prisoner
      DAnd (xx0232@1)I still can't find a way
           CTo (x32010@1)make it right


Intro => C   x2


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