Glass by Bat for Lashes
Bass Tab
Standard Tuning

This is my first bass tab.
It's pretty straightforward and easy.
Listen to the song to hear the exact rhythms.

|*|*| = Triplet

||*-----*|| = Repeat

0:00 – 1:10  Rest for Intro & Verse 1

	I will rise now and go about the city.
	In the street's broadways I seek,
	Him whom my soul loveth.

	Verse 1:
	Went over the sea. What did I find?
	A thousand crystal towers,
	A hundred emerald cities.
	And the hand of the watchman in the night sky,
	Points to my beloved, a knight in crystal armor.

1:11 – 11:25 Interlude 1
G |------------|-------------|-----------------|----------1-----|
D |------------|-------------|-----------------|-1-1-1-1----4-3-|
A |-1-1-1-1--4-|-------------|-2-2-2-2-4-4-4-4-|----------------|
E |------------|-2-2-2-2-----|-----------------|----------------|
    |*|*|        |*|*|         |*|*|   |*|*|     |*|*|

1:26 – 1:52 Verse 2
G ||-------------|-------------|-----------------|----------1------||
D ||*------------|-------------|-----------------|-1-1-1-1----4-3-*||
A ||*-1-1-1-1--4-|-------------|-2-2-2-2-4-4-4-4-|----------------*||
E ||-------------|-2-2-2-2-----|-----------------|-----------------||
      |*|*|        |*|*|         |*|*|   |*|*|     |*|*|

	Verse 2:
	And I tried to hold him,
	I tried for the creed,
	To make a suit of colors,
	To stop the blinding mirrors.
	Sew a cape of red and gold,
	Stifle up the being.
	With the perfect armor,
	With the perfect dream.

1:53 – 2:21 Chorus

G ||-----------------|--------------|----------------------|
D ||*----------------|--------------|----------------------|
A ||*-1-11-11-1----4-|--------------|-2-22-22-2--4-44-44-4-|
E ||-----------------|-2-22-22-2----|----------------------|
G |------------1------||
D |-1-11-11-1----4-3-*||
A |------------------*||
E |-------------------||

	To be made of glass,
	When two suns are shining,
	The battle becomes blinding.
	To be made of glass,
	But we ride, tonight, tonight, tonight, we ride.

2:22 – 2:35 Rest

2:36 – 3:03 Verse 3
G ||-----------------|--------------|----------------------|
D ||*----------------|--------------|----------------------|
A ||*-1-11-11-1----4-|--------------|-2-22-22-2--4-44-44-4-|
E ||-----------------|-2-22-22-2----|----------------------|
G |------------1------||
D |-1-11-11-1----4-3-*||
A |------------------*||
E |-------------------||
	Verse 3:
	And with two suns spinning,
	At two different speeds,
	Was born a hot white diamond,
	Burning through the rainbow.
	Flames fell into orbit,
	To hold eternally,
	Two heavenly spirits,
	That just wouldn't seem.

3:04 – 3:32 Chorus
G |----------------|--------------|--------------------|
D |----------------|--------------|--------------------|
A |-1-11-11-1----4-|--------------|-2-22-22-2--4---4-4-|
E |----------------|-2-22-22-2----|--------------------|

G |-----1-----|----------------|-----------|------------|
D |-1-----4-3-|----------------|-----------|------------|
A |-----------|-1-11-11-1----4-|-----------|-2--4---4-4-|
E |-----------|----------------|-2-22-22-2-|------------|

G |------------1-----|
D |-1-11-11-1----4-3-|
A |------------------|
E |------------------|

	To be made of glass,
	When two suns are shining,
	The battle becomes blinding.
	To be made of glass,
	But we ride, tonight, tonight, tonight, we ride.

3:32 – 4:00 Outro 1
G ||-----------------|--------------|----------------------|
D ||*----------------|--------------|----------------------|
A ||*-1-11-11-1----4-|--------------|-2-22-22-2--4-44-44-4-|
E ||-----------------|-2-22-22-2----|----------------------|
G |------------1------||
D |-1-11-11-1----4-3-*||
A |------------------*||
E |-------------------||

	Hey, hoo
	Hey, ooh
	Hey, hoo
	Hey, ooh

4:01 – 4:33 Outro 2

	Hey, hoo
	Hey, ooh
	Hey, hoo
	Hey, ooh
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