• Song:

    Wouldnt it be nice

  • Artist:

    Beach Boys

Wouldn't It Be Nice:Beach Boys.
Opening track on their album, 'Pet Sounds.'
Hit #8 in USA and #12 in UK in '66.

G9 (x2323x@1)           C (x32010@1)Wouldn't it be nice if we were older,
                 F6 (15xxxx@1)         Am7 (x02010@1)name="chord_xx0231@1">Dm
Then we wouldn't have to wait so  long.
    G9 (x2323x@1)           C (x32010@1)  
And wouldn't it be nice to live together,
               F6 (15xxxx@1)           Am7 (x02010@1)name="chord_xx0231@1">Dm  G9In (x2323x@1)the kind of world where we be..long.
Am7 (x02010@1)                            C11You (x33333@1)know it's gonna make it that much better,
Am (x02210@1)                          Em (022000@1)   Dm7
When we can say goodnight and stay together.
G9 (x2323x@1)           CWouldn't (x32010@1)it be nice?

G9 (x2323x@1)           CWouldn't (x32010@1)it be nice if we could wake up,
               F6 (15xxxx@1)         Am7 (x02010@1)DmIn (xx0231@1)the morning when the day is   new.
    G9 (x2323x@1)          CAnd (x32010@1)after that to spend the day together,
                F6 (15xxxx@1)            Am7 (x02010@1) Dm (xx0231@1)   G9Hold (x2323x@1)each other close the whole night through.
    Am7 (x02010@1)                          C11The (x33333@1)happy times together we'd been spending,
Am (x02210@1)                       Em (022000@1)     Dm7
I wish that every kiss was never ending.
G9 (x2323x@1)G11 (3x3211@1)          COh, (x32010@1)wouldn't it be nice...

A (x02220@1)               DWell, (xx0232@1)maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray
   C#m (x13321@4)            F#m7it (131141@2)might come true.
A (x02220@1)              D (xx0232@1)                           C#m (x13321@4)       F#m7Baby, (131141@2)then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do.
                 C#m7 (x4242x@1)F#m7 (131141@2)                 C#m7 (x4242x@1) G9We (x2323x@1)could be mar..ried........and then we'd be hap..py.
G9 (x2323x@1)G11 (3x3211@1)          COh, (x32010@1)wouldn't it be nice...


You know it seems the more we talk about it,
It only makes it worse to live without it.
But let's talk about it.... Wouldn't it be nice?

A sixties smash from Kraziekhat.

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