A brilliant song by a brilliant artist

Don't Believe The Bullshit
Beans On Toast
Standing On A Chair

Standard Tuning

Verse 1:
C (x32010@1)                                       FWell (133211@1)he talks with a polish accent,And he works with a sense of pride,
G (320003@1)                                       CHe (x32010@1)says "If you think you've had it hard, I'll swap your life with mine",
C (x32010@1)                                    FHe (133211@1)works his fucking bollocks off, for 4.50 an hour,
         G (320003@1)                        CSays (x32010@1)the economy in Poland, is even worse than our one,

Verse 2:
C (x32010@1)                                 FSo (133211@1)tradesmen around eng-erland, all start to lose their jobs,
    G (320003@1)                        CAnd (x32010@1)everybody understands when they all got pissed off,
C (x32010@1)                                   F (133211@1)                           
Well none of 'em are racist, but they don't know what to do,
         G (320003@1)                                               CWhen (x32010@1)you can't afford the mortgage, and you can't afford the food,

F (133211@1)         C (x32010@1)          GIs (320003@1)this the economics of recession?,
   F (133211@1) C (x32010@1)   GOr (320003@1)xenophobia?,
     F (133211@1)                 C (x32010@1)             GWell (320003@1)lets just hope that we don't end up hating one another,
G (320003@1)                              C'Cause (x32010@1)I can't see the point in that

            F (133211@1)  C (x32010@1)        GAnd (320003@1)it goes WAR, Recession, Recession and then war,
F (133211@1)                 CIt's (x32010@1)written in the history books,
      GWe've (320003@1)seen it all before,
F (133211@1)                 CI'll (x32010@1)sing a song of freedom, 
    GAnd (320003@1)all I can say is,
     F (133211@1)    G (320003@1)          C (x32010@1)      
Just Don't, Believe, The Bullshit
        F (133211@1)    G (320003@1)          COh (x32010@1)just Don't, Believe, The Bullshit

Verse 3:
C (x32010@1)                                 FOh (133211@1)there's trouble in the Gaza Strip again today,
       G (320003@1)                                      CIt's (x32010@1)a never ending conflict all the newspapers say
C (x32010@1)                             FThe (133211@1)war is a religous one thats hard to understand
          G (320003@1)                                        CBut (x32010@1)there isn't a religion that said, to kill another man

         F (133211@1)             C (x32010@1)               GShall (320003@1)we blame it on the ones who sold 'em weapons,
   F (133211@1)        C (x32010@1)      GOr (320003@1)extremist, religous twats,
     F (133211@1)                 C (x32010@1)               GWell (320003@1)lets just hope that they don't end up killing everybody,
G (320003@1)                             C'Cause (x32010@1)I can't see the point in that

            F (133211@1)  C (x32010@1)        GAnd (320003@1)it goes WAR, Recession, Recession and then war,
F (133211@1)                 CIt's (x32010@1)written in the history books,
      GWe've (320003@1)seen it all before,
F (133211@1)                 CI'll (x32010@1)sing a song of freedom, 
    GAnd (320003@1)all I can say is,
     F (133211@1)    G (320003@1)          C (x32010@1)      
Just Don't, Believe, The Bullshit
        F (133211@1)    G (320003@1)          COh (x32010@1)just Don't, Believe, The Bullshit
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