Nantes ~ Beirut

You can just use a pick for this song, but it's pretty fun to use your middle finger to 
strings while playing with a pick simueltaneously.


    Am (x02210@1)          G (320003@1)        C|------5------5------3----3-----3-----3------3---3---| (x32010@1)|------5------5------3----3-----5-----5------5---5---|

slowly run your pick up the chord to hit the notes quickly but individually

Alternative chords:
    Am (x02210@1)  G (320003@1)   C|---5-----7-----8---| (x32010@1)|---5-----8-----8---|

Horn part:

Violin part(same time as horn)

Accordian part during some singing


you can play it an octave up if it's too deep.

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