• Song:

    Why Should I Worry

  • Artist:

    Billy Joel

			     WHY SHOULD I WORRY? - Billy Joel
from Disney's Oliver & Co. soundtrack

Tabbed by: Cody
Email: betterliving420@mac.com


This tab isn't of the entire song. Specifically I left out the "They love me at the 
they adore me at the Ritz" because it's somewhat un-melodic and I couldn't really figure it out.

I wrote these tabs with timing in mind. I put the chords over the word it should be played on.
In some cases it's over the part of the word it should be played. example; F starts on 
'lancey' in 'Delancey'.

Here are the chords I use:

    E (022100@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A D (xx0232@1)name="chord_320003@1">G B (x2444x@1)name="chord_022100@1">E
G   3-5-5-4-3-3-|
F   1-3-3-2-1-1-|
Eb  x-6-8-8-8-6-|
A#  6-8-8-7-6-6-|
D   x-5-7-7-7-5-|
Eb7 x-6-8-6-8-6-|
Em  0-2-2-0-0-0-|
D*  x-0-0-2-3-2-|
C   x-3-2-0-1-0-|

G (320003@1)                F (133211@1)       G (320003@1)      F (133211@1)  One minute I'm in Central Park
G (320003@1)               F (133211@1)        G (320003@1)      F (133211@1)  Then I'm down on Delancey Street
G (320003@1)              F (133211@1)     G (320003@1)      F (133211@1)  From the Bow'ry to St Marks
G (320003@1)              F (133211@1)    G (320003@1)      F (133211@1)  There's a syncopated Beat

G (320003@1)           F (133211@1)       G (320003@1)      FWhoo, (133211@1)whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo
    G (320003@1)        F (133211@1)     G (320003@1)          FI'm (133211@1)streetwise,  I can improvise
G (320003@1)              F (133211@1)       G (320003@1)      F (133211@1)  Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo
    G (320003@1)         F (133211@1)       G (320003@1)           FI'm (133211@1)streetsmart, I've got New York City heart

Eb (x43121@3)           A# (x1333x@1) Why should I worry?
Eb (x43121@3)           G (320003@1) Why should I care?
Eb (x43121@3)        A# (x1333x@1) I may not have a dime
D (xx0232@1)          Eb (x43121@3) But I got street savoire faire
Eb (x43121@3)           A# (x1333x@1) Why should I worry?
Eb (x43121@3)           G (320003@1) Why should I care?
Eb (x43121@3)        A# (x1333x@1) It's just bebopulation
D (xx0232@1)          Eb (x43121@3)           Eb7 (x32310@4) And I got street saviore faire

    Em (022000@1)          D*
The rhythm of the city
    CBut (x32010@1)once you get it down
     Em (022000@1)              D*
Then you can own this town
CYou (x32010@1)can wear the crown

Eb (x43121@3)           A# (x1333x@1) Why should I worry?
Eb (x43121@3)           G (320003@1) Why should I care?
Eb (x43121@3)        A# (x1333x@1) I may not have a dime
D (xx0232@1)          Eb (x43121@3) But I got street savoire faire
Eb (x43121@3)           A# (x1333x@1) Why should I worry?
Eb (x43121@3)           G (320003@1) Why should I care?
Eb (x43121@3)        A# (x1333x@1) It's just bebopulation
D (xx0232@1)          Eb (x43121@3)           Eb7 (x32310@4) And I got street saviore faire

I like to play this song half an octave below the original so it's easier to sing. Here 
the transposed tabs:

    E (022100@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A  D (xx0232@1)G (320003@1)B (x2444x@1)name="chord_022100@1">E
C#  9-11-11-10-9-9-|
B   7--9--9--8-7-7----------|
A   5--7--7--6-5-5----------|
E   0--2--2--1-0-0----------|
Db  x--4--6--6-6-4----------|
Ab  4--6--6--5-4-4----------|
A7  5--7--5--6-5-5----------|
A#m 6--8--8--6-6-6----------|
G#  4--6--6--5-4-4----------|
F#  2--4--4--2-2-2----------|

C# (x43121@1)               B (x2444x@1)       C# (x43121@1)     B (x2444x@1)  One minute I'm in Central Park
C# (x43121@1)                  B (x2444x@1)    C# (x43121@1)     B (x2444x@1)  Then I'm down on Delancey Street
C# (x43121@1)               B (x2444x@1)   C# (x43121@1)     B (x2444x@1)  From the Bow'ry to St Marks
C# (x43121@1)              B (x2444x@1)   C# (x43121@1)     B (x2444x@1)  There's a syncopated beat

C# (x43121@1)             B (x2444x@1)       C# (x43121@1)     B (x2444x@1)  Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo
    C# (x43121@1)       B (x2444x@1)     C# (x43121@1)         BI'm (x2444x@1)streetwise,  I can improvise
C# (x43121@1)             B (x2444x@1)       C# (x43121@1)     B (x2444x@1)  Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo
    C# (x43121@1)        B (x2444x@1)       C# (x43121@1)                 BI'm (x2444x@1)streetsmart, I've got New York City heart

A (x02220@1)            E (022100@1) Why should I worry?
A (x02220@1)            Db (x43121@1) Why should I care?
A (x02220@1)         E (022100@1) I may not have a dime
Ab (xx1114@1)         A (x02220@1) But I got street savoire faire
A (x02220@1)            E (022100@1) Why should I worry?
A (x02220@1)            Db (x43121@1) Why should I care?
A (x02220@1)         E (022100@1) It's just bebopulation
Ab (xx1114@1)         A (x02220@1)            A7 (x02020@1) And I got street saviore faire

    A#m (x13321@1)         G#The (xx1114@1)rhythm of the city
    F#But (244322@1)once you get it down
     A#m (x13321@1)             GmThen (355333@1)you can own this town
F#You (244322@1)can wear the crown

A (x02220@1)            E (022100@1) Why should I worry?
A (x02220@1)            Db (x43121@1) Why should I care?
A (x02220@1)         E (022100@1) I may not have a dime
Ab (xx1114@1)         A (x02220@1) But I got street savoire faire
A (x02220@1)            E (022100@1) Why should I worry?
A (x02220@1)            Db (x43121@1) Why should I care?
A (x02220@1)         E (022100@1) It's just bebopulation
Ab (xx1114@1)         A (x02220@1)            A7 (x02020@1) And I got street saviore faire

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