Both of these intro's are the live versions. MODERN MAN by BLACK FLAG intro: E---0--2--3--2--5------------------------------------------ A------------------2--3--2--7--8--7--8--7--8--7--8--7------ D---------------------------------------------------------- G---------------------------------------------------------- B---------------------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------------------- _ | ___ | / |__ | | |_/LACK | LAG ==== James Stewart Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1995 15:05:09 -0500 (EST) From: "Geoffrey S. Smith" ARTIST: Bad Religion SONG: Modern Man ALBUM: Against the Grain TAB BY: Geoff Smith Intro: F Dflat Gsharp Eflat F E----------------------16-15-13-16-15-13-16-16-15-15-13-15-16-15-13--------- B------------13--13-14----------------------------------------------16-14-13 G--13--13-13---------------------------------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dflat Gflat Dflat Eflat f E--------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-------------------15-13--------------13--------------13---------------------- G--15---13-13-13-15-------15-13-15-13-----15-13-15-13-----15-13-12-13---------- D--------------------------------------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verse I: F Dflat I've got nothing to say, I've got nothing to do, F Gsharp all of my neurons are functioning smoothly Dflat Eflat F yet still I'm a cyborg just like you. F Dflat I'm one big myoma that thinks, my planet supports only me, F Gsharp I've got this one big problem will I live forever? Dflat Eflat f I've got just a short time to see. Chorus: F Gsharp Eflat F-Eflat-F Modern man - evolutionary betrayer, modern man - ecosystem destroyer, Modern man - destroy yourself in shame, F Gsharp Dflat Eflat modern man - pathetic example of earth's organic heritage. verse II(same as above): When I look back and think, when I ponder and ask "why?" I see my ancestors spend with careless abandon assuming eternal supply Solo: E---------------------------------------------------------------------- B---------------------------------------------------------------------- G--13--13-13-17--17-15-13-17-15-13-17-15-13-17-15-13-17-15-13-17-15-13- D---------------------------------------------------------------------- A---------------------------------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------------------------------- E--------------16-15-13--16-15-13--16-15-13-15-16-15-13--131315151616181820(b) B---------------------------------------------------------------------------- G-17-15-13-17---------------------------------------------------------------- D---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chorus: F Gsharp Eflat F-Eflat-F Modern man - evolutionary betrayer Modern man - ecosystem destroyer Modern man - destroy yourself in shame F Gsharp Dflat Eflat Modern man - patheric example of earth's organic heritage, Dflat Eflat just a sample of carbon-based wastage Dflat Eflat F just a ***ing tragic epic of you and I . . . Dflat F Dflat F Gsharp Dflat Eflat F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (end.) Chords: F ---- G --- Gsharp --- Dflat --- Eflat --- F (chorus only) --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- -10- --- --- -6- -8- --- -10- -5- -6- -6- -8- -3- --8- -5- -6- -4- -6- -3- ---- -3- -4- --- --- -1- In the solo, (b) = bend. So there it is. The solos aren't quite right, I don't think, but they should be pretty close. Enjoy. --Geoff. Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 19:22:18 -0600 (CST) From: Sandy Campbell Subject: BLACK FLAG TAB [1/2] @SONG: MODERN MAN intro: E---0--2--3--2--5--------------------------------------+ A------------------2--3--2--7--8--7--8--7--8----------+ D-------------------------------------------------------+ G-------------------------------------------------------+ B-------------------------------------------------------+ E-------------------------------------------------------+ (X?) ALL CHORDS ARE 5TH'S. H[F#]e's too stra[G]ight and yo[F#]u can w[G]ait Mo[B]dern m[C#]an [B][C#] I'v[F#]e only got ti[G]me for a fe[F#]w, and not yo[G]u Mo[B]dern m[C#]an [B][C#] I'l[F#]l push you ha[G]rd, I ca[F#]n't know yo[G]u Mo[B]dern m[C#]an [B][C#] 'Cause then we'd ha[F#]ve to be fri[G]ends, and that ju[F#]st won't d[G]o Mod[B]ern m[C#]an, Mo[B]dern m[C#]an [BASSLINE:] Living tommorow is everyones sorry Modern mans daydreams have turned into nighmears It's for yo[F#]u that I si[G]ng to sh[F]are what I fe[G]el Mo[B]dern M[C#]an [B][C#] The thi[F#]ngs I ne[G]ed in th[F#]is wo[G]rld Mod[B]ern M[C#]an [B][C#] If y[F#]ou don't li[G]ke it, you can lea[F#]ve me alo[G]ne Mod[B]ern ma[C#]n, Mo[B]dern ma[C#]n 'Cause wh[F#en I talk to y[G]ou I want to ha[F#]ng up the ph[G]one Mod[B]ern m[C#]an, Mod[B]ern m[C#]an [BASSLINE:] Living tommorow is everyones sorry Modern mans daydreams have turned into nighmears H[F#]e's too stra[G]ight and yo[F#]u can w[G]ait Mo[B]dern m[C#]an [B][C#] I'v[F#]e only got ti[G]me for a fe[F#]w, and not yo[G]u Mo[B]dern m[C#]an [B][C#] I'l[F#]l push you ha[G]rd, I ca[F#]n't know yo[G]u Mo[B]dern m[C#]an [B][C#] 'Cause then we'd ha[F#]ve to be fri[G]ends, and that ju[F#]st won't d[G]o Mod[B]ern m[C#]an, Mo[B]dern m[C#]an