a PAPER SCRATCHINGS tab ( http://members.tripod.com/~blindmelon OR
				http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/7899 )

Skinned - Blind Melon
From the Album Soup (1995)

TAB Courtesy of Andrew Barker (wh0rd@globalserve.net)

Standard Tuning / Chords: G, E7, C, B, D, Em, A7

Intro Riff:  ---------------------

        G                                 E7
Verse:  -------------------------------------0--3--0-------------------------

        E7                                    Pre-Chorus Riff (G)
        ---0--0--0-------------------------   3------------------------------
        ---0--3--0-------------------------   3--5--6--5--8--8---------------
        ---1--1--1-------------------------   ---5--7--5--7--7---------------
        ------------2--0-----------0-------   ---5--5--5--5--5---------------
        ------------------0--1--2----------   3------------------------------
        0----------------------------------   2------------------------------

Chorus:  -------------------
         -------------------      NOTE (B Riff): strum the B chord once, as
         -------------------      opposed to the pattern of the other chords
         -------------------      and then play the little riff. Also, leave              
         -------------------      one strum from the normal pattern off the
         -5--3--2--3--0--2--      following C chord.              

         C           B                 C                   B Riff
         When will I realize that this skin I'm in, hey it isn't mine

         C                 B                C                   B Riff
         And when will the kill be too much meat for me to hide on 

Outro:          C                      E7                      D
        Because you know I can't hide, but oh how hard I tried and this is
                 G                 Em                           A           
        just the shape I'm in, And though you know I can't hide but oh how
                               C       D         G             
        hard I tried, this is just the shape I'm in. [ Kazoo ]

        During the kazoo part, it repeats this little this chord progression
        twice: G  E7  A7  C D

        NOTE: The G in the chord progression is the same G the words end off
        on above. So just leave the first G out.

        And then, the final chord: G (strummed once)


You never something come let, it would be nice to see a little hammer like
you, walking around with a couple of hammers like that. At least Ed Gein
would. Ed Gein was a very good fellow you know ...

I'll make a shoehorn outta your skin
I'll make a lamshade of durable skin
And on, don't you know that I'm always feelin' able
When I'm sittin' home and I'm carvin' out your naval
I'm just a'sittin' here carvin' out your naval

When will I realize that this skin I'm in
Hey it isn't mine
And when will the kill be too much meat for me to hide on

Hey, I could really use a couple of hands
To complete one hell of a plant stand
Oh, don't you know that I'm caught here in the middle
Making rib cages into coffee tables
I'm just makin' em into coffee tables

And when will I realize that this skin I'm in
Hey it isn't mine
And when will the thrill be too much meat for me to find anymore

Oh because you know I can't hide, but oh how hard I try
But this is just the shape I'm in
And though you know I can't hide but oh how hard I try
But this is just the shape I'm in

a PAPER SCRATCHINGS tab ( http://members.tripod.com/~blindmelon OR
				http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/7899 )
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