Capo 3, but I think Vernon is on capo 4

Em G

C (x32010@1)                     G (320003@1)         Em (022000@1) Gdon't (320003@1)you cherish me to sleep
C (x32010@1)                        Gnever (320003@1)keep your eyelids clipped
Em (022000@1)                     Dhold (xx0232@1)me for the pops and clicks
            C (x32010@1)             GI (320003@1)was only for the father's crib

C (x32010@1) Em (022000@1)Em (022000@1)       Ghair, (320003@1)old, long along
C (x32010@1)                           G (320003@1)        Em (022000@1)Gyour (320003@1)neck onto your shoulder blades
C (x32010@1)                        Galways (320003@1)keep that message taped
Em (022000@1)                        Dcross (xx0232@1)your breasts you won't erase
             C (x32010@1)            GI (320003@1)was only for your very space

C (x32010@1)Em (022000@1)         Ghip, (320003@1)under nothing
C (x32010@1)                      G (320003@1)     Em (022000@1)                Gpropped (320003@1)up by your other one, face 'way from the sun
C (x32010@1)                     Gjust (320003@1)have to keep a dialogue
Em (022000@1)                       Dteach (xx0232@1)our bodies: haunt the cause
              C (x32010@1)           GI (320003@1)was only trying to spell a loss

C (x32010@1)Em (022000@1)           Gjoy, (320003@1)it's all founded
C (x32010@1)                      G (320003@1)           Em (022000@1)  Gpincher (320003@1)with the skin inside
C (x32010@1)                                 Gyou (320003@1)pinned me with your black sphere eyes
Em (022000@1)                         Dyou (xx0232@1)know that all the rope's untied
            C (x32010@1)            GI (320003@1)was only for to die beside

C (x32010@1)Em (022000@1)                       Dso (xx0232@1)itʼs storming on the lake
                           Clittle (x32010@1)waves our bodies break
Em (022000@1)                 Dthere's (xx0232@1)a fire going out,
                                       Cbut (x32010@1)there's really nothing to the south
Em (022000@1)                               Dswollen (xx0232@1)orange and light let through
                                       Cyour (x32010@1)one piece swimmer stuck to you

Em (022000@1)       Gsold, (320003@1)I'm Ever
C (x32010@1)                   G (320003@1)      Em (022000@1)  Gopen (320003@1)ears and open eyes
C (x32010@1)                           Gwake (320003@1)up to your starboard bride
Em (022000@1)                           Cwho (x32010@1)goes in and then stays inside
                  C (x32010@1)              Goh (320003@1)the demons come, they can subside
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