My take on this wonderful song, un-capo'd and I think more accurate than the previous version.

             B*   B**

&& - Throw in a F#sus4 or even a 244302 (F#add4; use your thumb)

Abm  F#   B

E                                  B
don't you cherish me to sleep
E                       B
never keep your eyelids clipped
Abm                      F#
hold me for the pops and clicks
      E                     B
I was only for the father's crib

E  B*

Abm		   F#    B
hair, old, long along
     E                                  B
your neck onto your shoulder blades
E                        B
always keep that message taped
Abm                          F#
cross your breasts you won't erase
      E                  B
I was only for your very space

Abm	   F#  B
hip, under nothing
E                                   B
propped up by your other one, face 'way from the sun
E                   B
just have to keep a dialogue
Abm	              F#
teach our bodies: haunt the cause
      E                      B
I was only trying to spell a loss

Abm       F#  B
joy, it's all founded
E                               B
pincher with the skin inside
E                                    B
you pinned me with your black sphere eyes
Abm                            F#
you know that all the rope's untied
      E               B            B**
I was only for to die beside

C#      Abm

so it's storming on the lake
little waves our bodies break

C#        Abm

there's a fire going out,
but there's really nothing to the south

C#        Abm

swollen orange and light let through
your one piece swimmer stuck to you


sold, I'm Ever
E                         B
open ears and open eyes
E                         B
wake up to your starboard bride
	Abm	                   F#
who goes in and then stays inside
       E                     B
oh the demons come, they can subside


Where the B** is played, the interesting thing here is that there are two
 guitars doing different things, the right one plays a Bsus4 and the left
 plays a normal B, which gives that weird sound. So combining the two we get
 Badd4. I think final B** is just what the right guitar plays during the
 previous B**s. I tried to get the end one close to what I think it is, I
 know I'm at least missing the high b, but I don't know how you'd play the
 chord with that note on a single guitar.
Also, I think the lyrics given on the website are a bit tricky, in that he's
 written "swollen orange", but clearly in the song it is "swollen ocean"
(makes more sense now, doesn't it?)
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