\"Better Life\" by the Bouncing Souls off the album \"How I spent my summer vacation\" transcribed by pieter kamps ID: coincidentalminorguitar this song is cool, simple, the only major problem is the order of all the parts. so i\'m doing this tab a little different PART A e-------------------|-------------------| b-------------------|-------------------| g---999999---999999-|---777777---777777-| d-99999999-99999999-|-77777777-77777777-| a-99777777-99777777-|-77555555-77555555-| e-77-------77-------|-55-------55-------| PART B e---------------------|--------------------| b---------------------|--------------------| g-----------9999------|-----------99999999-| d-7777-9999-9999-7777-|-7777-9999-99999999-| a-7777-9999-7777-7777-|-7777-9999-77777777-| e-5555-7777------5555-|-5555-7777----------| PART C e-00000000000000000000000000000000-| b-----------------3333333333333333-| g----------------------------------| d----------------------------------| a----------------------------------| e----------------------------------| PART D e--------------------| b--------------------| g-9999------77777777-| d-9999-7777-77777777-| a-7777-7777-55555555-| e------5555----------| PART E e----------| b----------| g---999999-| d-99999999-| a-99777777-| e-77-------| Order: PART A x2 PART B x1 PART C x2 PART A x2 PART D x2 PART B x1 PART C x2 PART E x1 PART A x2 g-9-9-9-9-999-9-| PART B x2 <---- On this one, play the last chord quickly in this rhythm ----> d-9-9-9-9-999-9-| a-7-7-7-7-777-7-| Follow along in the order and you should be fine. Hopefully I got it right. any feedback or comments mail me at krooked_kamps@hotmail.com they are appreciated