• Song:

    Cat Like Thief

  • Artist:

    Boxcar Racer

  • Album:

    I Feel So

Song: Cat Like Thief
Band: Box Car Racer
Album: Box Car Racer
Drummer: Travis Barker
Tabbed By: Bri517@hotmail.com

HH = x = normal - X = accent - o = open
S  = o = normal
B  = o = normal
	  That is the whole song
HH |X---X---X-x-X-x-|X-----o-X-x-o---|
S  |----o-----------|----o-----------|
B  |o-o---o-------o-|o-o-----------o-|
   (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + |1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + )
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