• Song:

    Okay I Believe You But My Tommy Gun Dont

  • Artist:

    Brand New

Okay I Believe You, but My Tommy Gun Don't, by Brand New
off of the album Deja Entendu
This song, and actually any song off of this album is tuned 1/2 step down, so in this 
read like this

High Eb|

Those b's meaning flat
I've seen a lot of tabs for this song, and all of them are accurate, but missing key parts
I can guarantee the parts you find in this tab to be 99% accurate with the parts in the 

Repeat this part below ten times, twice before vocals, 8 times after
Palm Muted!


after the 10th time of playing the previous part, this comes in. Palm Muted!




after this, comes another verse. there are two guitar parts at this point.
one doing the exact same thing as it did in the first verse, palm muting,
the other guitar picking it out like this. no palm muting. and again, played ten times.


after this, imagine that, the same as the second part of the first verse. two guitar
remain, palm muted part just like the first one,
or you can play the picked out part. essentially the same thing, but slightly different.
and going into the chorus
there is a slide from i believe the 10th fret down to the 3rd. so you can do that if you




after that part comes the chorus. i'm only going to tab out the chords played, not the 
if you can't hear when the chords
change or the rhythm of how to play, sell your guitar.



there is a lead part in the chorus.  and its goes like this. i'm not tabbing out the
rhythm, just figure it out. those are the notes.
i recommend sliding between the notes, and more or less hammering on to them. sounds better
then strumming each one.


chorus is played twice

following the chorus is another verse. the palm muted guitar part is played exactly the
however, the picked out part
is slightly different then it was the first time around.

play this part (same as it was the first time), comes in two bars later though

then listen for the change to this part. it's slightly different from the first time it's


these last two bars are palm muted with a slight crescendo into the chorus

then after the third verse, another chorus, no different then the first one. played twice

after that chorus comes the bridge. it's a whopping total of one note.
E flat. for this part one guitar plays the first three chords, the second guitar plays all
four of em.
listen closely and you can hear it.


you'll also hear a small little lead part come in from one of the guitars. if you're listening
through headphones it'll be in the right ear.
it goes like this on the A flat string, lightly palm muted.


after this, bass comes in and does it's thing, and then the guitar played there is the same
thing as the first part of the verse. both the
palm muted guitar part and the picked out part. i'm not gonna bother tabbing it out
its already in the tab, if you can't figure it
out, you're dumb.

after that it goes into another chorus, same exact thing as the previous choruses. then after
the last chorus, the little outro thing goes like this.. the 2nd and 4th bar of this are 
openly palm muted if you understand what i mean
place your palm as close as possible to the bridge, and very lightly, you still want it 
ring out, but not a whole lot


during the second ring out one guitar goes up to the octave of E flat on the second hit.
also squeals on the 3rd fret of the A flat
string when he hits it the first time around. you'll hear what i mean. i'm pretty sure this
tab is as close as you can get it
this sounds great when i play along with the song so i'm assuming it's mostly right
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