A (x02220@1)                      Asus (x02230@1)         AStrength (x02220@1)will rise as we wait upon the Lord,
        Asus (x02230@1)          AWe (x02220@1)will wait upon the Lord,
        Asus (x02230@1)          AWe (x02220@1)will wait upon the Lord.
A (x02220@1)                      Asus (x02230@1)         A (x02220@1)
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,
        Asus (x02230@1)          AWe (x02220@1)will wait upon the Lord,
        Asus (x02230@1)          AWe (x02220@1)will wait upon the Lord.

A/C# (042220@1)D (xx0232@1)   A/C# (042220@1) D (xx0232@1)  E (022100@1)F#m (244222@1)EOur (022100@1) God    You   Reign fo- ev -er
A/C# (042220@1)D (xx0232@1)   A/C# (042220@1) D (xx0232@1)  E (022100@1)F#m (244222@1)EOur (022100@1) God    You   Reign fo- ev -er.

A (x02220@1)                    A/C# (042220@1)DYou (xx0232@1)are the everlast - ing  God
                 F#mThe (244222@1)everlasting God
                      DYou (xx0232@1)do not faint You won't grow weary
A (x02220@1)                     A/C# (042220@1)DYou're (xx0232@1)the defender of the  weak
                     F#mYou (244222@1)comfort those in need
                  D (xx0232@1)  E (022100@1) D (xx0232@1)   CYou (x32010@1)lift us up on wings like eagles.

and then you replay the certain parts as you see fit, or do whatever the recording does.

hope this helps!
tabber: Robby 

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