Hello.... I took about 2 hours and improved the chords to this song. Everything is more thorough, and all the chord changed are exact, I just finished listening to the song. this helps a little better. Credit to Yoshima for tabbing the original version of this, with some of his still intact. Happy jamming =) -LM Questions? email = alien7542@aol.com ---------------------------------------------------------- Bright Eyes ? ?Act of Contrition? The chords used in this song are relative to a capo on the 1st fret: ......C....Csus2/B...Am.......F.......G....... e|----0-------0-------0-------1-------3------| B|----1-------1-------1-------1-------3------| G|----0-------0-------2-------2-------0------| D|----2-------0-------2-------3-------0------| A|----3-------2-------0-------0-------2------| E|----x-------x-------x-------x-------3------| The following pattern is played 4 times for the intro and also forms the main theme of song; the bass notes being plucked with the thumb and the highest four strings are strummed; .....C..........Csus2/B....Am.......................... e|-------0-0-0------0-0-0------0-0-0------------------| B|-------1-1-1------1-1-1------1-1-1------------------| INTRO: G|-------0-0-0------0-0-0------2-2-2------------------| <--- 4x D|-------2-2-2------0-0-0------2-2-2--3p2h3p2h3p2-----| <--- note that A|---3----------2----------0--------------------------| 3p2h3p2h3p2 E|----------------------------------------------------| is copied throughout the WHOLE song. This main theme is the repeated through the verse... C Csus2/B Am The air was all dust 3p2h3p2h3p2 C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 A night so untamed C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 Csus2/B Am The ground opened up and swallowed, all of the rain 3p2h3p2h3p2 C Csus2/B Am And it swallowed you too... 3p2h3p2h3p2 C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 Into distance unknown C Csus2/B Am (let ring) F As they sat down for dinner they waited for you to get home G Yeah, they set a...place for you. C Csus2/B Am (let ring) G So don't...be....lieve everything that you read, in that...diary of C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 yours. C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 C Am And this... ner ? vous - ness, 3p2h3p2h3p2 C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 It isn't... all your fault C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 It's just these sha - king hands won't do C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 what I want them ... to. C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 And I've tried to guess what it, C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 Is you thought about C Csus2/B Am (let ring) F That act of contrition that rolled off our tongues as you wept. G What are you...crying for? C Csus2/B Am (let ring) F Just dust...my heart and you will find G There are no fingers printed there C Csus2/B Am (let ring) F Just the un...touched...place that lies inside G C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 Of every...lonely boy...tonight. ***If you have one, start randomly tapping a type-writer until end*** C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 C Csus2/B Am 3 ? 2 - 0 <--- notice this change on the D string. .....C..........Csus2/B....Am..................F....... e|-------0-0-0------0-0-0------0-0-0-----------1------| B|-------1-1-1------1-1-1------1-1-1-----------1------| G|-------0-0-0------0-0-0------2-2-2-----------2------| D|-------2-2-2------0-0-0------2-2-2--3--2--0--3------| A|---3----------2----------0-------------------0------| E|---------------------------------------------x------| F (4 bars) G G (3 bars, and on the offbeat before the 4th bar: ?And all.....?, so that you on ?all? with the G chord, signifying that ?all? is the 4th bar G C Csus2/B Am (let ring) F And all this o... pen ...air has caused me to choke G C Csus2/B 3p2h3p2h3p2 On your...new-found hope...for me. C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2 C Csus2/B Am 3p2h3p2h3p2...3p2h3p2h3p2...3p2h3p2h3p2...3p2h3p2h3p2. Let that last note ring out and that?s it. THE END.