Band: Candlemass  
Album: Death,Magic,Doom
Song: Hammer of Doom 

Written by: Leif Edling
Copyright (c) Nuclear Blast Records, 2009
Version 1.0 - 08/10/2009 - 05/19/2010

Transcribed By: Ryan Kirkhoff

. - palm mute           x ? Staccato
, - slight palm mute    " - tremolo note  
h - hammer on           \ - slide down to 
p - pull off            / - slide up to 
" - tremolo note       <> - Trill

f - full bend       h - half bend
q - quarter bend    t - tap bend
^ - Hold bend       r - release bend
~ - vibrato bend

ph - pinched harmonic   n ? natural/artificial harmonic

Tuning: DGCFAD (whole step)

I'm pretty sure newer Candlemass is in D but I could be wrong might be a half step

I started this tab shortly after the album dropped and I couldn't and still can't figure out
the riff 4 or any of the solos this is what I have so far. If you know the missing riff or solos
let me know and I can correct it and give you the credit you deserve

Intro (0:00)
|---------------------------------| x2

Riff 2 (0:24)
|-----------------------------------------------| x3
Intro  x2
Riff 2 x3 

Riff 3 (3:20)
|--------------------------------| x6


Riff 4 (3:58) also plays under solo 1

Solo (4:20)
Solo 2 (4:50)

Riff 5 (4:50) underneath solo 2
|-----------------------| x4

Riff 3


Any questions or corrections let me know, I will give you deserved credit for your help
contact me at:
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