• Song:

    Return To Flesh

  • Artist:

    Cannibal Corpse

  • Album:

    Bleeding (Digi

Cannibal Corpse
The Bleeding
Return To Flesh

Copyright (c)  Metal Blade 1994
Version 1.01 - 26.8.2009

Transcribed By: Yaniv Dekel
Email:          lickywebster@yahoo.com

.  - palm mute           /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to       ~  - vibrato
h  - hammer on           b  - Bend
p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
t  - tap                 f  - full bend    h - half bend
ph - pinched harmonic    q  - quarter bend t - tap bend
*  - see comment         ^  - Hold bend    r release bend
x  - Stuccatto           ~  - vibrato bend
,  - slight palm mute    () - ghost note, sustained note
"  - tremolo note        <> - Trill
@  - 10                  W  - Whammy bar

Tuning is D#

Riff A x4
  . . .      . . .

|L          (Part 1A) | (Part 1B)
|-4-3-0-----7"-6"-----|--4-3-0-----------------|  =
| . . .               |  . . .                 |  = Part 1 x2
|R                    |                        |  =
|---------------------|------------------------|  =
  . . .                 . . .

|L                 |1-3
|-4-3-0-7\---4-3-0-|-6\---|  =
| . . .      . . . |      |  = Part 2 x4
|R                 |      |  =
|------------------|------|  =
  . . .

Part 3 x4
|L                         1-2|                          3-4|
|-----------------------------| 4th time last 2 notes are 0 |
| ...... ...... ...... ...... | ...... ...... ...... ...... |
|R                            |                             |
|-----------------------------| 4th time last 2 notes are 0 |
  ...... ...... ...... ......   ...... ...... ...... ......

Riff B x4
|L                                          |1-3
|   . .   . . . . .         . .   . .       |         |
|R                                          |         |
    . .   . . . . .         . .   . .

Part 3  x4
Riff B  x4

Riff A  x1
Part 1A x1
Riff A  x1
Part 1B x1

|L                     1-4|                      5-8|
|-4-3-----4-3-0-1/3\1-----|-4-3-----4-3-0-1/3\1-----|  =
| . .     . . .           | . .     . . .           |  = Part 4 x8
|R                        |                         |  =
|-------------------------|-------------------------|  =
  . .     . . .             . .     . . .

Riff C x4                                   |1-3   |4
                                                     . . .

Uner solo:
Riff B x4 (Play last part 4th time)
Part 3 x4 (4th time R channle does a pickslide instead of 996666)
Riff B x4 (Dont play last part 4th time)

Part 5 x1
|L                                     |(Part 5A)
| . . .                                |                             |
|R                                     |                             |
|-4-3-0-/7-ring to feedback------------|-----------------------------|
  . . .

Part 4 x8
Riff C x4 (4th time play 1st ending)

Riff D x8                      |1-7   |8       |
  . . . . . . . . . .                   . . .

Part 5A x1

End x1
  . .

Solo I (2:21)
|---------------------------------15----/17~ --15-17----------------|
|------14-12-14~ ---------------------------------------------------|

                  x3|                x8|                x7|
 ---------17p15h17~ |-14h15p14---------|---------17p15h17-|

 -14h15p14--------15p14~ \-|

Solo II (2:45)                                    |                     x3|

                        |                     x3|
|-15h17p15---15h18p15---|---------17---------17-|---------------------/12~ |

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