Chase Coy
Look How Far We've Come

Standard Tunning

ok, so, i know this dude plays with a capo,
but i dont have one, nor did i really find a reason to play with one,
at least for this song

F#m|------5----5----5-----| (244222@1)|---7----7----7---7--7-|

D/F#m (im not even sure if thats the right name, but follow along with lyrics)

     F#mIn (244222@1)a hospital room 
I'm struggling to stay awake 
    F#m (244222@1)                             D/F#m
And you, are laying on your deathbed, But you don't know it yet.
F#m (244222@1)                                 
It's all just a bit to much and so I 
D/F#m                          F#mStep (244222@1)outside for just a moment. 
For just a moment. 

F#m (244222@1)                    D/F#m
I stare out a dirty window pane 
                   F#mAnd (244222@1)listen to the rain  
Pours down and it covers Everything.

F#mAnd (244222@1)masks the noise from all the
Medical machinery
F#m (244222@1)       
I am left with the sound of your 
labor breathing.

  A (x02220@1)   E (022100@1)  F#m|-5-| (244222@1)|---| |-5-|
|-5-| |-9-| |-7-|
|-6-| |-9-| |-6-|
|-7-| |-9-| |-4-|
|---| |-7-| |---|
|---| |---| |---|

A (x02220@1)          E (022100@1)            F#mBut (244222@1)you are close to going home now.
A (x02220@1)                  E (022100@1)      
Your father welcomes you with 
         F#mOpen (244222@1)arms.
A (x02220@1)                     EA (022100@1)room has been prepared
            F#mAnd (244222@1)so you don't have to be scared
        A (x02220@1)               EAs (022100@1)you leave behind the struggles 
        F#mOf (244222@1)this world.

Verse 2
(you should be able to figure out where
the chords go, if not, you need to listen closer
and louder)

The next day came with no improvments
Leaving you to explain 
These things take time. 
These things take time.
You told me you were ready and
You weren't afraid to die. 
He is always watching over you and I.


on the "doo doo doots" part,
its basicly the chorus,
except with a hammer-on on the F#m chord
from the E to F# or for those who dont know the notes


Outro is the chorus but
with same arperggio pattern on the chords


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