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                                        Hi there! This has got to be one of my all-time favorite Cher Lloyd songs! And 
with this handy-dandy chord sheet, you can play it on guitar. If you have any 
corrections or whatever, feel free to tell me! ~Have fun! :D

Capo on the 1st fret!!

         A              E
No, you don't stand a chance
For a second in my world
              A                   E
The same old song, it won't last long
               B               C#m
If you can't stand behind the music
         A             E
All the fame, all the girls
And all the money in this world
                  A            E
They don't mean sh-, better admit
               B               C#m
If you can't stand behind the music

     A         E
So stand up, show 'em how we do it
 B                                A
Won't back down until I see your hands up
Tell 'em what the truth is
 B                C#m
Stand behind the music

A                    E
You gotta get behind, Cross your heart, hope to die
B                                 B
Splash of hype, dash of pretty, That don't mean I'll buy
A                     E
Okay, alright already, They getting money
B                         C#m                         A
All the frauds, all the phonies, All the fakes, slow down

A       E                  B
It's a fast paced world, breathe, breathe
Look my face in the mirror
      A                 E
Say, "Who the heck am I? "Look me in the eye
B                              C#m
Is this conviction or addiction or a waste of time?
A                 E
Just name a genre, yeah, I've tried it
Been doin' this from 15 to life, yeah
A                      E
I need a break already, I gotta find it
B                             C#m
And for the first time in my life, I'm doing my schtick

I, I, I, I, I wanna stand in this pop star frenzy
                B                            A
Girls getting praise, look at Nikki look at Katy
Chew it up, make my teeth rot
B                           C#m
You think I'm talkin' to ya? I'm probably not (not)

       A              E
No you don't stand a chance
For a second in my world
              A                   E
The same old song, it won't last long
               B               C#m
If you can't stand behind the music
         A             E
All the fame, all the girls
And all the money in this world
                  A            E
They don't mean sh-, better admit
               B               C#m
If you can't stand behind the music

   A            E
Rewind, when I was a little younger
Lookin' for a label and a little clean danger
A                 E
LA had a taste for a new adventure
   B                    C#m
We opened every 'Do Not Enter'

Yeah, I was tryin' hard to be somebody
Be the cool kid at the party
 B                          B
Lookin' at me laddy daddy, hottie hottie, hot tamale
  A                          E 
Stranger sizing up my body
, Told me I could be somebody
Wait, someone stopped me,
Went home and I called my mommy

A           E
Oh no, I'm not that girl,
I still wanna be the leader of the f-f-free world
       A                E
I'm a big dreamer, I'm a believer
      B                       C#m
Just try to tell me no, I'mma go full steam ahead

A            E
 No, can't slow me down
Gonna run this town from the inside out
  A                      E
Block by block from the bottom to the top
I know just who I am
And I know just who I'm not

         A              E
No, you don't stand a chance
For a second in my world
              A                   E
The same old song, it won't last long
               B               C#m
If you can't stand behind the music
         A             E
All the fame, all the girls
And all the money in this world
                  A            E
They don't mean sh-, better admit
               B               C#m
If you can't stand behind the music

     A         E
So stand up, show 'em how we do it
Won't back down until I see your
 A         E
Hands up, tell 'em what the truth is
  B               C#m
Stand behind the music
        A        E
Yeah, stand up, come on let me see you
Front row up to the nose bleeders
 A        E
Hands up, if you really mean it
  B               C#m
Stand behind the music

         A              E
No, you don't stand a chance
For a second in my world
              A                   E
The same old song, it won't last long
If you can't stand behind the music

Enjoyyy!! XOXOXO :)
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