hey guys, i really wanted to know how to play this song by chester but i couldn't 
find any tab of it so i thought of making it on my own,its definitely not right 
but it is kinda close

intro  A

A (x02220@1)           AWhite (x02220@1)lips, pale face
  A (x02220@1)          D (xx0232@1)  EBreathing (022100@1)in snowflakes
  A (x02220@1)            ABurnt (x02220@1)lungs, sour taste
   A (x02220@1)            ALight's (x02220@1)gone, day's end
   A (x02220@1)         D (xx0232@1)  E (022100@1)Struggling to pay rent
   A (x02220@1)           ALong (x02220@1)nights, strange men
 BmAnd (x24432@1)they say
  Bm (x24432@1)              DShe's (xx0232@1)in the Class A Tea
               AStuck (x02220@1)in her daydream 
   A (x02220@1)                 EBeen (022100@1)this way since eighteen
   A (x02220@1)            DBut (xx0232@1)lately her face seems
   A (x02220@1)               DSlowly (xx0232@1)sinking, wasting
                  ACrumbling (x02220@1)like pastries
      AAnd (x02220@1)they scream
      E (022100@1)                       EThe (022100@1)worst things in life come free to us
        Bm (x24432@1)                  DCause (xx0232@1)we're just under the upper hand
       A (x02220@1)              EAnd (022100@1)go mad for a couple grams
                D (xx0232@1)                  AAnd (x02220@1)she don't want to go outside tonight
          Bm (x24432@1)                     AAnd (x02220@1)in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
      G (320003@1)            AOr (x02220@1)sells love to another man
          G (320003@1)    AIt's (x02220@1)too cold outside
   A (x02220@1)         EFor (022100@1)angels to fly

D (xx0232@1)    A (x02220@1)       EOOOOOooooooOOOoooooooooooo (022100@1)  CONTINUE THE SAME WAY 

Ripped gloves, raincoat
Tried to swim and stay afloat
Dry house, wet clothes
Loose change, bank notes
Weary-eyed, dry throat
Call girl, no phone

And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
Cause we're just under the upper hand
And go mad for a couple grams
And she don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
An angel will die
Covered in white
Closed eye
And hoping for a better life
This time, we'll fade out tonight
Straight down the line

And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
They scream
The worst things in life come free to us
And we're all under the upper hand
Go mad for a couple grams
And we don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe we fly to the Motherland
Or sell love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
Angels to fly
To fly, fly
For angels to fly, to fly, to fly
Or angels to die

                                                    Learn to play "Chester See" with online video lessons

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