F# (244322@1)Abm (133111@4) E (022100@1) B (x2444x@1)F# (244322@1)         AbmBadge (133111@4)number 301
E (022100@1)                 B (x2444x@1)            F#Sits (244322@1)in his car and stares at his gun
   F# (244322@1)                
He wipes the the blood from his shirt
    Abm (133111@4)                
The sweat from his brow
       E (022100@1)                   B (x2444x@1)He got out this time but he don't know how
     E (022100@1)                     BWell (x2444x@1)he'd go on  home but nobody's there
F# (244322@1)              BNo (x2444x@1)one to hold no one to care
F# (244322@1)             AbmThere (133111@4)was a time he had someone
        E (022100@1)                 B (x2444x@1)          
But one day he  came home  she was gone
Abm (133111@4)      ELove (022100@1)and a 45 
F# (244322@1)                    BAre (x2444x@1)all you need to get thru the night
Abm (133111@4)                  EOne'll (022100@1)kill you one'll keep you alive 
F# (244322@1)       BLove (x2444x@1)and a 45
F# (244322@1)          Abm (133111@4)Parole number fourteen two
E (022100@1)                           B (x2444x@1)    F# (244322@1)           
Stands on the corner like she used to do
F# (244322@1)                               AbmShe's (133111@4)been away awhile so she's a little afraid
         E (022100@1)                         BAnd (x2444x@1)the judge said he didn't want to see her again
     E (022100@1)                      BBut (x2444x@1)she's got no money she's got no rent
    F# (244322@1)                BThe (x2444x@1)money she had is already spent
        F# (244322@1)                    AbmCause (133111@4)a couple of weeks ago she learned her lesson
E (022100@1)                               BWent (x2444x@1)and brought herself a little Smith and Wesson
Abm (133111@4)      ELove (022100@1)and a 45 
F# (244322@1)                    BAre (x2444x@1)all you need to get thru the night
Abm (133111@4)                  EOne'll (022100@1)kill you one'll keep you alive 
F# (244322@1)       BLove (x2444x@1)and a 45

Abm E F# B  Abm E  F#  Abm

B (x2444x@1)     F# (244322@1)          C#m (x13321@4)                    EAt (022100@1)3:15 he got a call somebody heard a scream behind a wall
     B (x2444x@1)           F#At (244322@1)a little motel down by the bay
     C#m (x13321@4)                   E (022100@1)                  
But before he got there they got away

F# (244322@1)Abm (133111@4)E (022100@1)B (x2444x@1)F# (244322@1)                          AbmWell (133111@4)she was all right just a little roughed up
      E (022100@1)                  B (x2444x@1)    F# (244322@1)           
So he took her down to the coffee shop
    F# (244322@1)                  AbmThe (133111@4)report he filed said  victim unknown
        E (022100@1)                 BNow (x2444x@1)she waits up nights for him to come  home
Abm (133111@4)      ELove (022100@1)and a 45 
F# (244322@1)                    BAre (x2444x@1)all you need to get thru the night
Abm (133111@4)                  EOne'll (022100@1)kill you one'll keep you alive 
F# (244322@1)       BLove (x2444x@1)and a 45
Abm (133111@4)      ELove (022100@1)and a 45 
F# (244322@1)                    BAre (x2444x@1)all you need to get thru the night
Abm (133111@4)                  EOne'll (022100@1)kill you one'll keep you alive 
F# (244322@1)       BLove (x2444x@1)and a 45

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