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                                        VERSE 1
         D2        F#m         E              D2      F#m     E
Let the worship of Heaven come alive in this time and in this land
D2   F#m   E            Bm7 F#m/C# E
Now is the hour for our song to arise
Bm7 A E Bm7 A E Bm7 A E D2
        D2          F#m        E          D2        F#m     E
Let the worship of Heaven come alive and awaken our hearts again
D2   F#m     E         Bm7 A/C# Esus E
Now is the hour for our song to arise  
         Bm7 A      E              Bm7 E/G# A
Let our wor- ship arise to the uncre- ated One
          Bm7 A    E             D
Let our wor- ship arise from our hearts
         Bm7 A     E           Bm7      A/C#   D
Let our wor- ship arise to the One who reigns forever
          Bm7 A    E             D
Let our wor- ship arise from our hearts
Repeat VERSE 1
     D                  E/G#
Release Heavenā??s sound, Shake the nations
      A                      Bm7
Let our worship arise to the God of the ages
     D/F#             E/G#
Release Heavenā??s sound, Shake the nations
      A/C#                     D
Let our worship arise to the God of the ages
A/E B/F#
         C#m7 B     F#           C#m7 F#/A# B
Let our wor- ship arise to the uncre- ated One
         C#m7 B    F#             E
Let our wor- ship arise from our hearts
         C#m7 B     F#          C#m7   B/D#   E
Let our wor- ship arise to the One who reigns forever
         C#m7 B     F#           E
Let our wor- ship arise from our hearts
       E/G#           F#/A#
Release Heavenā??s sound, Shake the nations
       B/D#                   E
Let our worship arise to the God of the ages
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