• Song:

    The Minute Youre Gone

  • Artist:

    Cliff Richard



G                 C           D                      G          E
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

E               Am             A7                          D             D7
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             C            D                          G      E
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

E                   Am              D                     G    C     G
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


G                 D                           G
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  Em           A7               D           D7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  C            D                      G        E
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

E                 Am             D                       G    C    G
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


G                 D                           G
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  Em           A7               D           D7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  C            D                      G        E
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

E                 Am             D                       G    C    G
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



A                 D           E                      A          F#
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

F#              Bm             B7                          E             E7
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             D            E                          A      F#
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

F#                  Bm              E                     A    D     A
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


A                 E                           A
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  F#m          B7               E           E7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  D            E                      A        F#
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

F#                Bm             E                       A    D    A
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


A                 E                           A
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  F#m          B7               E           E7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  D            E                      A        F#
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

F#                Bm             E                       A    D    A
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



C                 F           G                      C          A
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

A               Dm             D7                          G             G7
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             F            G                          C      A
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

A                   Dm              G                     C    F     C
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


C                 G                           C
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  Am           D7               G           G7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  F            G                      C        A
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

A                 Dm             G                       C    F    C
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


C                 G                           C
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  Am           D7               G           G7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  F            G                      C        A
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

A                 Dm             G                       C    F    C
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



D                 G           A                      D          B
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

B               Em             E7                          A             A7
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             G            A                          D      B
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

B                   Em              A                     D    G     D
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


D                 A                           D
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  Bm           E7               A           A7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  G            A                      D        B
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

B                 Em             A                       D    G    D
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


D                 A                           D
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  Bm           E7               A           A7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  G            A                      D        B
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

B                 Em             A                       D    G    D
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



E                 A           B                      E          C#
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

C#              F#m            F#7                         B             B7
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             A            B                          E      C#
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

C#                  F#m             B                     E    A     E
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


E                 B                           E
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  C#m          F#7              B           B7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  A            B                      E        C#
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

C#                F#m            B                       E    A    E
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


E                 B                           E
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  C#m          F#7              B           B7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  A            B                      E        C#
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

C#                F#m            B                       E    A    E
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



F                 Bb          C                      F          D
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

D               Gm             G7                          C             C7
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             Bb           C                          F      D
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

D                   Gm              C                     F    Bb    F
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


F                 C                           F
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  Dm           G7               C           C7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  Bb           C                      F        D
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

D                 Gm             C                       F    Bb   F
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


F                 C                           F
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  Dm           G7               C           C7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  Bb           C                      F        D
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

D                 Gm             C                       F    Bb   F
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



Bb                Eb          F                      Bb         G
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

G               Cm             C7                          F             F7
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             Eb           F                          Bb     G
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

G                   Cm              F                     Bb   Eb    Bb
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


Bb                F                           Bb
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  Gm           C7               F           F7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  Eb           F                      Bb       G
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

G                 Cm             F                       Bb   Eb   Bb
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


Bb                F                           Bb
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  Gm           C7               F           F7
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  Eb           F                      Bb       G
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

G                 Cm             F                       Bb   Eb   Bb
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.

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