• Song:

    The Minute Youre Gone

  • Artist:

    Cliff Richard



G5                 C5           D5                      G5          E5
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

E5               A5             A5                          D5             D5
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             C5            D5                          G5      E5
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

E5                   A5              D5                     G5    C5     G5
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


G5                 D5                           G5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  E5           A5               D5           D5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  C5            D5                      G5        E5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

E5                 A5             D5                       G5    C5    G5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


G5                 D5                           G5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  E5           A5               D5           D5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  C5            D5                      G5        E5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

E5                 A5             D5                       G5    C5    G5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



A5                 D5           E5                      A5          F#5
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

F#5              B5             B5                          E5             E5
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             D5            E5                          A5      F#5
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

F#5                  B5              E5                     A5    D5     A5
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


A5                 E5                           A5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  F#5          B5               E5           E5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  D5            E5                      A5        F#5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

F#5                B5             E5                       A5    D5    A5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


A5                 E5                           A5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  F#5          B5               E5           E5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  D5            E5                      A5        F#5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

F#5                B5             E5                       A5    D5    A5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



C5                 F5           G5                      C5          A5
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

A5               D5             D5                          G5             G5
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             F5            G5                          C5      A5
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

A5                   D5              G5                     C5    F5     C5
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


C5                 G5                           C5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  A5           D5               G5           G5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  F5            G5                      C5        A5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

A5                 D5             G5                       C5    F5    C5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


C5                 G5                           C5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  A5           D5               G5           G5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  F5            G5                      C5        A5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

A5                 D5             G5                       C5    F5    C5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



D5                 G5           A5                      D5          B5
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

B5               E5             E5                          A5             A5
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             G5            A5                          D5      B5
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

B5                   E5              A5                     D5    G5     D5
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


D5                 A5                           D5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  B5           E5               A5           A5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  G5            A5                      D5        B5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

B5                 E5             A5                       D5    G5    D5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


D5                 A5                           D5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  B5           E5               A5           A5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  G5            A5                      D5        B5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

B5                 E5             A5                       D5    G5    D5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



E5                 A5           B5                      E5          C#5
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

C#5              F#5            F#5                         B5             B5
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             A5            B5                          E5      C#5
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

C#5                  F#5             B5                     E5    A5     E5
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


E5                 B5                           E5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  C#5          F#5              B5           B5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  A5            B5                      E5        C#5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

C#5                F#5            B5                       E5    A5    E5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


E5                 B5                           E5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  C#5          F#5              B5           B5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  A5            B5                      E5        C#5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

C#5                F#5            B5                       E5    A5    E5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



F5                 Bb5          C5                      F5          D5
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

D5               G5             G5                          C5             C5
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             Bb5           C5                          F5      D5
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

D5                   G5              C5                     F5    Bb5    F5
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


F5                 C5                           F5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  D5           G5               C5           C5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  Bb5           C5                      F5        D5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

D5                 G5             C5                       F5    Bb5   F5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


F5                 C5                           F5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  D5           G5               C5           C5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  Bb5           C5                      F5        D5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

D5                 G5             C5                       F5    Bb5   F5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.



Bb5                Eb5          F5                      Bb5         G5
The minute you're gone I cry,     the minute you're gone I die.

G5               C5             C5                          F5             F5
Before you walk out of sight,     I'm like a child all a - lone at night.

             Eb5           F5                          Bb5     G5
I stare into emptiness;       I'm filled with such loneliness.

G5                   C5              F5                     Bb5   Eb5    Bb5
The world goes from right to wrong,     the minute you're gone.


Bb5                F5                           Bb5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  G5           C5               F5           F5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  Eb5           F5                      Bb5       G5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

G5                 C5             F5                       Bb5   Eb5   Bb5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.


Bb5                F5                           Bb5
The minute you're gone I'd see, how lonely a man I'll be.
                  G5           C5               F5           F5
My life would be, oh, so blue,   If I couldn't be with you.


                  Eb5           F5                      Bb5       G5
The Minute you're gone I pray,     the minute you're gone I say,

G5                 C5             F5                       Bb5   Eb5   Bb5
Please don't stay away too long,      the minute you're gone.

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