Artist: Cold Song: End of the World (Acoustic) Tuning: C F Bb Eb G C Tabbed By: Evan Pittman Email: Ok here's my attempt at Cold's acoustic version of End of the World. It's in C tuning (C,F,Bb,Eb,G,C), and because of that, it's a little bit difficult to hear the exact chords. This sounds good when played with the song, and I believe it's correct, but I'm not sure. I tried to write out the actual rhythm as much as possible, but just listen to the song. You should be able to get it. Corrections are welcomed and appreciated. Email me with comments, corrections, or requests. Thanks, Evan. 10/26/01 - I've now seen this song live and pretty much confirmed this tab. The main chords used are: Asus2 002200 Cadd9 x32033 G5 3x0033 Em 022000 Verse: (Play 10 times) C|-0---0--0-0--0--0-0--xx-3---xx-3---3--3-3------| G|-0---0--0-0--0--0-0--xx-3---xx-3---3--3-3------| Eb|-2---2--2-2--2--2-2--xx-0---xx-0---0--0-0------| Bb|-2---2--2-2--2--2-2--xx-2---xx-0---0--0-0------| F|-0---0--0-0--0--0-0--xx-3---xx-x---x--x-x------| C|-0---0--0-0--0--0-0--xx-----xx-3---3--3-3------| Asus2 Cadd9 G5 Right before going into the chorus (the tenth time you play the verse) arpeggiate the Cadd9 and G5: C|-------------------| G|-------------------| Eb|------0------------| Bb|----2--------0-----| F|--3--------2-------| C|---------3---------| Chorus: (Play 2 times) C|-0---0--0-0--0--0-0--xx-3--xx-3--xx-0----------| G|-0---0--0-0--0--0-0--xx-3--xx-3--xx-0----------| Eb|-2---2--2-2--2--2-2--xx-0--xx-0--xx-0----------| Bb|-2---2--2-2--2--2-2--xx-0--xx-2--xx-2----------| F|-0---0--0-0--0--0-0--xx-x--xx-3--xx-2----------| C|-0---0--0-0--0--0-0--xx-3--xx----xx-0----------| Asus2 G5 Cadd9 Em Note: Here, I haven't written out the rhythm of the last three chords... it's exactly the same as the first one. Interlude: (Play 1 time) C|----------------------------------------------| G|-----0-----0--0h1p0-------0-------------------| Eb|-------2------------2-------------------------| Bb|---2------------------2-----------------------| F|-0-------0--------------0---------------------| C|----------------------------------------------| This is just an arpeggiated Asus2/Am. Play verse 4 times Play chorus 8 times Keep playing the chorus during the "It's my world..." part. During this part try to strum the low notes of each chord and then the high notes. For example: C|---------0--0-0---| G|---------0--0-0---| Eb|--2--2-2-2--2-2---| Bb|--2--2-2----------| F|--0--0-0----------| C|--0--0-0----------| Right after this part, when it's mainly vocals, the 5th time you play the chorus, you only strum each chord once, allowing it to ring. End with this, allowing it to ring: C|--0---------| G|--0---------| Eb|--2---------| Bb|--2---------| F|--0---------| C|--0---------| Asus2 So... the song structure should end up being: Verse x10 Chorus x2 Interlude x1 Verse x4 Chorus x8 End x1 -------------------------------------------------------- Lyrics: everyone came around here everyone else got sick and watch the clock tickin slowly, everyone knew the ending, opened a bag of tricks, and stumbled over their own, they blew minds away, sort of the cripplin just like thunder. and its gone today i'm so happy that it's on. well it's the end of the world. well it's far away in a hurricane, twistin slowly now its gone today i'm so happy that it's on. well it's the end of the world. its my world, my love, my gun, well it's the end of the world now i'm all alone, kept the pain inside, wanna torch the world, cuz i'm breathin fire.