• Song:

    Wayfaring Sons

  • Artist:

    Colin Hay

  • Album:

    Wayfaring Sons

************************* P L E A S E  N O T E *************************

       You may only use this tab for private study, research, etc.       
        Do not change, deface, mutilate, steal or alter this tab.       
    You must email me first if you want to use this tab on your site.    

 ************************* P L E A S E  N O T E *************************

--Title: Wayfaring Sons
--Artist: Colin Hay
--Release: Going Somewhere
--Last updated: 3/25/09

--Transcription by: J. Elliott Dozier
--Contact: elliott_dozier@hotmail.com

--Tuning: GDGCEG (First tune both of your E strings down to D, then put a capo on 5)

NOTE: I’m not going to bother with rhythm/strumming pattern.





He starts with a bass D at the beginning of each verse…

And then from then on he plays it like this…


Hold out the last chord the second time…
			  x 2


Once again, first…

And then from then on…

Until the last one before the chorus, he just does this…


Hold out the last chord the second time…
			  x 2

		     x 2


Once again, first…

And then from then on…


Hold out the last chord the second time…
			  x 2


Once again, first…

And then from then on…


Ends on…

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

b   - bend
r   - release
gb  - gradual bend
gr  - gradual release
h   - hammer on
p   - pull off
T   - trill
W   - whammy bar dive
\   - slide down
/   - slide up
x   - mute
X\  - pick slide
~~~ - vibrato
*7  - artificial harmonic
*7* - natural harmonic
... - palm mute
(0) - optional note
XXX - tremolo pick
alt - variation of riff
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