World I know- by Collective Soul off the self-titled album tabbed by: Scott, the guitar freak ( -and- Chad Hanley (**NOTE: in the verses, use barre chords.. in the chorus, use the open fingerings... that's how it sounded when i heard it.. i'll also give you a more powerful-sounding chorus... ***NOTE: if no symphony is available for your rendition, keyboards work nicely... :) VERSE I D (xx0232@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A G (320003@1) A (x02220@1)Has our conscience shown? Has the sweet breeze blown? Has all the kindness gone? Hope still lingers on. I drink myself of newfound pity Sitting alone in New York City. And I don't know why. Verse II D (xx0232@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A G (320003@1) A (x02220@1)Are we listening? Hymns of offering Have we eyes to see That love is gathering? A (x02220@1)All the words that I've been reading Have now started the act of bleeding G (320003@1)Into one....Into one. CHORUS D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1)So I walk upon high G (320003@1)And I step to the edge D (xx0232@1)To see my world below. A (x02220@1) And I laugh at myself C (x32010@1)While the tears roll down. G (320003@1)'Cause it's the world I know. D (xx0232@1)It's the world I know. VERSE III (look at end of Verse I) I drink myself of newfound pity Sittin alone in New York City. And I don't know why. Don't know why. CHORUS (check out the first chorus) So I walk upon high And I step to the edge to see my world below. And I laugh at myself While the tears roll down. 'Cause it's the world I know. It's the world I know. Yeah, I walk upon high And I step to the edge To see my world below And I laugh at myself While the tears roll down. 'Cause it's the world I know. It's the world I know. at the end when the symphony kicks in, Childress (i think) is arpeggiating a D, and throwing in the 4th sometimes (Dsus4) and the song ends on a Dsus4... (i've only heard the song twice on MTV, and at the time i didn't have my guitar.. i had to get home and play from memory... ) any comments/suggestions/flames/recipes for cookies mail: scott if there is a tab problem... chad if there is alyric (x02210@1)problem...From: Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 01:24:53 -0500 Collective Soul - The World I Know Thanks to Kelly and Blair for inspiring me to figure out the chords to th= is. The lyrics may not be totally in order, if not e-mail me at Bm (x24432@1) GHas (320003@1)our conscience shown? Bm (x24432@1) GHas (320003@1)the sweet breeze blown? Bm (x24432@1) GHas (320003@1)all kindness gone? Bm (x24432@1) GHope (320003@1)still lingers on. AI (x02220@1)drink myself of newfound pity sittin alone in New York City. GAnd (320003@1)I don't know why. Don't know why. Bm (x24432@1) GAre (320003@1)we listening? Bm (x24432@1) GHymns (320003@1)of offering Bm (x24432@1) GHave (320003@1)we eyes to see Bm (x24432@1) GThat (320003@1)love is gathering? AAll (x02220@1)the words that I've been reading have now started the act of bleeding= GInto (320003@1)one....Into one. CHORUS D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) GSo (320003@1)I walk upon high and I step to the edge Dto (xx0232@1)see my world below. A (x02220@1) CAnd (x32010@1)I laugh at myself while the tears roll down. G (320003@1) D'Cause (xx0232@1)it's the world I know. It's the world I know. AI (x02220@1)drink myself of newfound pity sittin alone in New York City. GAnd (320003@1)I don't know why. Don't know why. CHORUS D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) GSo (320003@1)I walk upon high and I step to the edge Dto (xx0232@1)see my world below. A (x02220@1) CAnd (x32010@1)I laugh at myself while the tears roll down. G (320003@1) D'Cause (xx0232@1)it's the world I know. It's the world I know. A (x02220@1) GYeah, (320003@1)I walk upon high and I step to the edge DTo (xx0232@1)see my world below A (x02220@1) CAnd (x32010@1)I laugh at myself while the tears roll down. G (320003@1) D'Cause (xx0232@1)it's the world I know. It's the world I know.---- From: Justin Kunz Subject: TAB: "The World I Know" by Collective Soul The World I Know by Collective Soul Taken from the album Collective Soul tabbed by Justin Kunz comments, questions, suggestions: Probably written by Ed Roland (sweet beard!) Well I definitely think this song is overplayed, but I have found a new respect for Collective Soul after I figured out the opening riff to this song. I think it is a great progression. I borrowed the lyrics from World I Know tablulation by Scott the guitar freak and Chad Hanley. I don't think their opening is accurate, it actually starts with a Bm progression like this... s- slide FIG 1 e ---------------------------------------------------------------- B ---------------------------------------------------------------- G -2ss7777777--22222-244--444-666--------------------------------- D -0ss0000000--00000-000--000-000--------------------------------- A -xssxxxxxxx--xxxxx-xxx--xxx-xxx--------------------------------- E -2ss7777777--22222-233--333-555--------------------------------- *** ***-play that part as if you were counting '1,2,3' quickly, where the 2x02 formation gets the 1 count and the 2 and 3 count goes to 3x04. (you can figure out the real timing by listening to the song) FIG 1 Has our conscience show? Has the sweet breeze blown? Has all the kindness gone? Hope still lingers on. (open chords) AI (x02220@1)drink myself of newbound pity Sitting alone in New York City GAnd (320003@1)I don't know why FIG 1 Are we listening? Hymsn of offering Have we eyes to see That love is gathering? (open chords) AAll (x02220@1)the words that I've been reading Have now started the act of bleeding GInto (320003@1)one... into one (open chords) D (xx0232@1) ASo (x02220@1)I walk upon high GAnd (320003@1)I step to the edge DTo (xx0232@1)see my world below AAnd (x02220@1)I laugh at myself CWhile (x32010@1)the tears roll down GCos (320003@1)it's the world I know DIt's (xx0232@1)the world I know That's how it goes, just apply the same formations to the rest of the song Justin KunzDate: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 16:49:15 -0600 (CST) From: Rudolph Subject: TAB: The World I Know by Collective Soul Transcribed by Nate Kohl This is a slightly different version than the others I have seen posted - it is in a different key, but capo should take care of that. It sounds better than plain chords. Intro - E-|--0----0---0---0-- B-|--8----3---5---7-- G-|--0----0---0---0-- D-|--9----4---5---7-- A-|--7----2---3---5-- E-|--0--------------- Play the above with "Has our consience shown...Has the sweet breeze blown..." When you reach "I drink myself of newfound pity..." change to a D - C progression, then jump back into the above pattern for the second verse. Chorus - G - D - C - G "So I walk up on high..." G - D - F - C - G "And I laugh at the tears roll down.." The ending is G - D - C - D, but is instrumental so it needs more than just chords... And that is it! The only tricky thing is getting the strumming right and adding as many notes to synthesize a string quartet as possible. For the tabbed struming above, it is easiest just to use the same finger positions, and slide down and up the frets. From: Quentin Little Subject: World I by Collective Soul. World I know------ Collective Soul This is a real pretty tune I figured out sitting on the john and playing my guitar during one those really good bowel movements. 8