______________________ / Corinne Bailey Rae / Oh, this is just such a sweet love song. It’s about / Like a Star / Corinne struggles so much with her boy friend. But / Corinne Bailey Rae / also it proves just how much she actually loves him, /_____________________/ despite that this love is tearing her apart sometimes. Verse: | Dm7 | E7b9 | Am7 | Am6 | | Dm7 | E7b9 | Am7 | Gm13 C9 | Chorus: | Fmaj7 | Eaug | Am7 | Gm7 C9 | | Fmaj7 | Eaug | Verse: | Dm7 | E7b9 | Am7 | Am6 | | Dm7 | E11 Ddim/F | Am7 | Gm13 C9 | Chorus: | Fmaj7 | Eaug | Am7 | Gm7 C9 | | Fmaj7 | Eaug / Eb9/G D9/F# | ½ Na-na Verse: | Dm7 | E7b9 | Am7 | Am6 | Bridge: | Dm9 | E7 | Am9 | Dm7 | | Dm9 | E7 | Am9 | Dm7/G Dm7/C | Chorus: | Fmaj7 | Eaug | Am7 | Gm7 C9 | | Fmaj7 | Eaug | Am7 | Gm7 C9 | | Fmaj7 | Eaug | Am7 / / Abm7 | Gm7 C9 | | Fmaj7 | Eaug | Outro-Verse: | Dm7 | E7b9 | Am7 | Am6 | | Dm7 | E7b9 ... ********************************************************** * Chords - These are just Corinne's finger-picked chords. ********** Verse: Dm7 E7b9 Am7 Am6 Gm13 C9 E11 Ddim/F e:----------------------------5-----3--- ----------------: B:---6-----6------5-----5-----5-----3--- ---7------6-----: G:---5-----7------5-----5-----3-----3--- ---7------7-----: D:---0-----6------5-----4-----3-----2--- ---7------6-----: A:---------7------0-----0--------------- ---7------8-----: E:-------------------------------------- ----------------: Chorus: Fmaj7 Eaug Am7 Gm7 C9 Eb9/G D9/F# Abm7 :--------------------------------- ----6------5----------: :---1--------------5-----3----3--- ----6------5-----4----: :---2-------5------5-----3----3--- ----6------5-----4----: :---2-------6------5-----3----2--- ----5------4-----4----: :-----------7-----------------3--- ----------------------: :---1-------0------5-----3-------- -----------------4----: Bridge: (notice the chords here are larger the second time) Dm9 E7 Am9 Dm7 Dm9 E7 Am9 Dm7/G Dm7/C :--12----10----7-----8--- --12----10----7------8------8----: :--10-----9----8-----6--- --10-----9----8------6------6----: :--10-----9----9-----8--- --10-----9----9------7------7----: :------------------------ --10-----9----7------5-----------: :------------------------ --12-----7----0------------------: :------------------------ --10------------------------8----: - 30th /September /08 Just mail me at Maitinin@gmail.com with questions, comments and corrections!