Never Gonna Leave Me Dry
Cory Asbury

G (320003@1)            Am (x02210@1)            FHear (133211@1)me oh when I cry
G (320003@1)                     Am (x02210@1)                       FI (133211@1)am broken I'm thirsty and I'm dry
G (320003@1)                                                       Am (x02210@1)                            FAnd (133211@1)God make complacency my enemy and Your fight
G (320003@1)                                                 Am (x02210@1)                        CAnd (x32010@1)let desperation be like David's key in my life

F (133211@1)                                                   AmAnd (x02210@1)surely goodness and mercy follow me
C (x32010@1)                                              GMy (320003@1)cup runneth over, My cup runneth over
F (133211@1)                                                                              AmAnd (x02210@1)the broken and the contrite you have yet to deny
C (x32010@1)                                     GI (320003@1)lay before you, I lay bare before you

                         F (133211@1)                                       
But You're never gonna leave me dry no You don't know You don't know You don't
G (320003@1)
You're always willing, my cup you'll be filling

COh (x32010@1)oh oh oh

F (133211@1)                                                     CYou (x32010@1)fill us with Your love overwhelm us with Your love
G (320003@1)                                           AmTake (x02210@1)us from the ashes seat us with princes
F (133211@1)                    CIt's (x32010@1)what You do
G (320003@1)                                     AmIt's (x02210@1)just what You do

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