Hello , I realised that this song hasn't been put up on Ultimate guitar so i was like 
HEY I'll post the one i have done :) So hope it's okay!
The only chords needed for this are : D A C Em G Am ... So it's pretty easy

Capo 1 (For best effect)

DSo (xx0232@1)I'm standing in a bullet

Staring down a greasy gun
        AAnd (x02220@1)I'm rubbing people's shoulders

But I'm miles from everyone.
      CWe're (x32010@1)hugging without touching,

Accepting by refusing
    EmAnd (022000@1)that sound of awkward of silence

Isn't awkward if it's soothing

DTo (xx0232@1)the grumpy, grey, old grandma

Who saw the first King Kong
          AIs (x02220@1)she at peace or pissed off with the damp?

Mocked her joints for way too long.
CLooking (x32010@1)at your eyelids,

If they open it's a danger,
EmOh (022000@1)my god: I'm sharing perfect

Eye-to-eye time with a stranger.


One who will forget me like
The stars forgot the day,
I guess we always were the crosses
On a graph anyway.
If our eyes do share a tiny
Part of time together
It's spend planning how we'll look
Away from one another.

A man with awful glasses wonders
Where it is she goes
As he spies a woman sleeping
That he doesn't even know,
And the wrinkles on the faces
Of the people that I see
In this clikety-clakety bullet
Make sense to me.

D (xx0232@1)                   AmWe (x02210@1)just want to talk, but we are way too scared.
C (x32010@1)                   GWe (320003@1)just want to talk, but there's silence here instead.
D (xx0232@1)                   AmWe (x02210@1)just want to talk, you can never talk enough,
    CBut (x32010@1)we can't even talk no more,
Em (022000@1)                 GSo (320003@1)how we s'posed to love?


She sits and she examines
With a screwed expression,
Should've checked it in the shop
And now she'll never lesson.
Thinks she got short changed
So she checks her receipt,
But I can see the one pound
Twenty by her feet.

But can I tell her, can I? No.
'Cause that was force us to connect,
And that makes me a weirdo
With a screw loose in my head.
And our hearts are always close
To everything that they can get,
Because it's better to be safely sorry,
Everything's a threat.

A man is busy munching
And he's loving every bite,
Spending time with some Doritos
Before he meets his wife,
And I can stare at you for hours,
I could help you with a word,
But pretend you cannot see me,
It'll never get heard.

Practising a speech to
Himself once again,
Over and over, 'til
She smiles in his head and says
"Okay dad, I know that
You gotta work late,
And I'm not gonna cry
If you miss my play".

We just want to talk, but we are way too scared.
We just want to talk, but there's silence here instead.
We just want to talk, you can never talk enough,
But we can't even talk no more,
So how we s'posed to love?

I can see myself in all of you
And all of you in me
But a frightened little planet,
Most of all, is what I see.
The best friend you never made
Could be one foot away
And end up anonymous
Because you never tried to say

"Hey". Look at that,
It's a lady with a pram,
I'm not gonna help her
But I do give a damn.
It's just that if I offer to
She might go crazy,
And think I think she's weak
'Cause she's a lady with a baby.
I really don't think

Anyone knows anymore
When to talk and so we don't
'Cause we're just not sure.
And this is why people kinda just
Wanna be alone,
So they start little groups
That just grow and just grow

And they think one thing
And it keeps them safe,
Until another group of people
Have something else to say,
And both groups don't even
Know what they believe anymore,
They just know who they hate
And so they start themselves a war.

We just want to talk, but we are way too scared.
We just want to talk, but there's silence here instead.
We just want to talk, you can never talk enough,
But we can't even talk no more,
So how we s'posed to love?

We just want to talk, but we are way too scared.
We just want to talk, but there's silence here instead.
We just want to talk, you can never talk enough,
But we can't even talk no more,
So how we s'posed to love?
                                                    Learn to play "Cosmo Jarvis" with online video lessons

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