Long time Ago G C e-------------------------------------------------| b-------------------------------------------------| g--------0--0-------------------------------------|repeat x3. d-----0h2--2--0----0h2-2-0h2-2-0h2-2-0------------| a--0h2-----------3--------------------------------| e-3-----------------------------------------------| then D/Am C e--------------------------------------------------| b----------0------------------ 0-3--0--------------| g------0h2---2-0-----------0h2--------2---0--------| d---0h2-----------2----0h2-------------------------| a-0------------------3-----------------------------| e--------------------------------------------------| Verse: strum G, Strum C, Strum G, Strum C, strum G, Strum C, a few down strokes on Am, a few down strokes on C, then back to the melody above when it returns to G. It`s not perfect, there`s a few transitional notes I can`t pinpoint when they change from the G to C parts. Hopefully someone else can build off this and figure those out. Wicked band, one of my favorites. Enjoy.