• Song:

    God Hates Me

  • Artist:

    Cushings Band

i lost  the lyrics  i made  for  this song,
 so  i'll just wing it here

i made a different way to play this, basically by strumming it fewer times, but i'm too lazy to change this whole damn thing

play twice w/out singing-

play this twice too-

start singing-

  i like to think              that i am a   giving  


   i       dont do   drugs,            and    i   go to   church  every


    i   give   to others         even though    i  don't got   


   for   this                 i   would think   god   would like me a

(changing guitar slightly)
      but   sometimes         god,         he   aint   so  


 (no) he    has        to     take       his   anger   out  on  somebody like

(changing guitar back)

   right   after         i  get         muged   at the       bar

   i  find   out       somebody      just   trashed  my   new   car

    i   have  sex  with   hookers    that   turn  out   to  be   men

   my   last   girlfriend     was   with   a   girl   named     BEN

    and     all     i    can    think    of     why        is

             god       hates    me----

             god       hates       me ---
        and    i           dont      know       why---

   maybe  its  because   i   pick       fights   with  the homeless,

    or  maybe   because   i     steal   from   the      poor

    i   hit      random   people   in   the   back   of   the   head

    i   tell    mothers    that   their   children   are dead

         but   i   still can't    figure  out   why    

             god       hates    me----

             god       hates       me ---

    just   because    i      shot    a    priest   in  the   head
     doesn't            mean          my   piss should   be   red

    my   friend     was   murdered,     as   i   caught  it  on  tape

   but  i    cant    figure   out     why      i   got   raped

   i     act   insane  on  busses,    to   get   them   delayed

    but    thats               ok--- 

     because    god   doesn't    like   me   anyway--

     god   hates    me-------
(fade end)

god hates me part changed to this-
(fade end)

i have to figure out how to sing this

dennis cushing-----dennis cushing------dennis cushing-
dennis cushing-----dennis cushing------dennis cushing-
dennis cushing-----dennis cushing------dennis cushing-
dennis cushing-----dennis cushing------dennis cushing-
dennis cushing-----dennis cushing------dennis cushing-
dennis cushing-----dennis cushing------dennis cushing-
dennis cushing-----dennis cushing------dennis cushing-
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