Everything Trying - Damien Jurado

So the other version of this song found on UG is great?  I tabbed this version from a 
video released recently of Damien playing the song in the woods?   Different capo position 
and a slightly different chord arrangement. I like this version?

There are two variations of the Bm that he plays during the song, and after playing it 
myself it makes since.  Finger placement for the previous and following chords make it 
easier to make transitions.   Also there is a hammer on the D throughout.

Watch the video found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcqTZ7P_IKQ&feature=player_embedded


D     (E 232000 E)
D*    (E 232000 E) Hammer on G
D/F#  (E 232400 E)
Bm*   (E 230020 E)
Bm    (E 234420 E)
Em    (E 000220 E)
E9    (E 230200 E)
G4    (E 000033 E)

CAPO   7


D* >  D/F#  >  Bm*   (x2)

   D*               D/F#                     Bm*
I'd call you now to tell you I'm thinking of you
       D*                       D/F#                       Bm*
But it does me no good when the phone is just blocking my view
    Bm       D          Em     G4
And I would sail back to you
    Bm       D          Em     G4
And I would sail back to you

D* >  D/F#  >  Bm*

    D*                    D/F#                      Bm*
And I would come back and admit that it wasn't your fault
    D*                      D/F#                        Bm*
But I'm tired and unwilling to be the only one who was wrong
    Bm       D          Em     G4
And I would sail back to you
    Bm       D          Em     G4
And I would sail back to you
    Bm       D          Em     G4
Oh  I would sail back to you

D*  >  E9  >  Bm*   (x2) (Change the rhythm a bit, check video)

  D*               E9               Bm*
I'll be sailing on your deep blue eyes    (x4)


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