• Song:


  • Artist:

    Dark Legion

Wraith Tab by Dark Legion

                                                        By Dark Legion
                               Written by Shea Maloney (1st guitar) and Angel Mayorga (2nd guitar)
                                                     Tabs done by Spazmo_17
   Here is the second classical guitar part after Angel's solo at the beginning.

          *Hand picked*	                        *use pick now*
E-    |--3--3---------0--------    |--------------|--0-------------0-|-3---------------3--|--0--------------0--|
A-    |--------2--2-------2--2-    |--0---------0-|----2--------2----|----2----------2----|-----3---------3----|
D-    |---------------2------2-    |---2------2---|------2----2------|-------0-----0------|--------2----2------|
G-    |-------------------0----    |----2---2-----|--------0---------|----------0---------|-----------0--------|
B-    |--------3--3------------    |------1--------------------------------------------------------------------|
E-    |--3--3------------------   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E	|--0-----------0--|
A	|----2-------2----|
D	|------2---2------|
G	|--------0--------|
B	|
E	|

   Here are the acoustic classical chords preceding the heavy guitar.

E	|--0---------------------|-------------------|----------------------0-|--0----------------|
A	|----2-------------------|-------------------|------------------3-2-0-|----2--------------|
D	|------2-2-2--2--3--5----|--3--2--3--2-2-----|--2-2h3-2--2-0----------|-------2-2-2--2-3--|



   Here heavy distorted guitar comes in and repeats all of acoustics' part. Then they play this after they 
repeated the above.

   After a short pause the two dueling guitars go into the power chord section.


                                              Section 2



Here they transition to Shea's solo then repeat section 2 and go into Angels' solo.
I have written that part yet so I'll update when I do. "Have fun!"

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