This is a beautiful song. The chords are simple and the picking/strumming rhythm is easy 
to pick up.

Capo: 3rd fret

C: X3201X
D: X0321X
G: 32000X

Intro: C D G C

C (x32010@1)                      DThere's (xx0232@1)rumbling in the head again
G (320003@1)                     CInside (x32010@1)the head there lived a brain
C (x32010@1)                      DInside (xx0232@1)the brain there lived a dream
      G (320003@1)                CThat (x32010@1)shot round like a laser beam
C (x32010@1)                  DAlong (xx0232@1)nerve endings and synapses
G (320003@1)                 CPast (x32010@1)the room for memory lapses
C (x32010@1)             DBought (xx0232@1)about by alcohol
      G (320003@1)            CThat (x32010@1)causes all the cell collapses


C (x32010@1)                       DNow, (xx0232@1)that dream's not the only one
      G (320003@1)              CI (x32010@1)had plenty more when I was young
C (x32010@1)              DBut (xx0232@1)I grew up in a big hurry
     G (320003@1)             CAnd (x32010@1)then one day I start to worry that
          D (xx0232@1)             G (320003@1)                CI'm (x32010@1)gonna be a goner before I read all the books I wanna
C (x32010@1)                         DIf (xx0232@1)I plant a tree now it'll be fully grown
      G (320003@1)            CLong (x32010@1)after I'm just dust and bone and
C (x32010@1)     D (xx0232@1)            C (x32010@1)       GNow (320003@1)I can't sleep, it's already 3 AM
       C (x32010@1)          D (xx0232@1)             G (320003@1)                CAnd (x32010@1)Im lying here dividing sheep by the square root of ten


C (x32010@1)                DSo (xx0232@1)I gave away my clothes to charity
    G (320003@1)          CI (x32010@1)turned off my TV for clarity
C (x32010@1)                  DAnd (xx0232@1)somedays I still envy those
    G (320003@1)            CWalking (x32010@1)around wearing my clothes

G (320003@1)               D (xx0232@1)       CSo (x32010@1)I'll just plant a tree I'll never see grow
      G (320003@1)                      D (xx0232@1)         CPut (x32010@1)a seed in the ground where no one'll know
       G (320003@1)                   D (xx0232@1)     CGonna (x32010@1)make my plan when the morning breaks
       G (320003@1)                 D (xx0232@1)        CBut (x32010@1)I just don't know how long it'll take


C (x32010@1)                         DI (xx0232@1)keep hearing voices and ringing phones
          G (320003@1)                   CBut (x32010@1)Im staring down a highway all alone
C (x32010@1)                          DWith (xx0232@1)just the company of my stomach rumble
       G (320003@1)         CAnd (x32010@1)I feel OK, it makes me humble
C (x32010@1)                 DWithout (xx0232@1)a load that I must carry
      G (320003@1)                 COr (x32010@1)a bump in the road to make to tarry
C (x32010@1)                            D (xx0232@1)                    G (320003@1)     
        CJust (x32010@1)a pile of ashes from the miles I've burned and everything Ive learned

CWhat (x32010@1)have I learned?

C (x32010@1)               DDon't (xx0232@1)walk in front of cars or behind horses
      G (320003@1)                     CCats (x32010@1)don't drink milk out of flying saucers
CGreen (x32010@1)means go
DYellow: (xx0232@1)go faster
G (320003@1)               CRed (x32010@1)means stop or financial disaster
C (x32010@1)                  D (xx0232@1)                       G (320003@1)        CAnd (x32010@1)don't ever underestimate the fitness of a determined Jehovahs witness
C (x32010@1)                  D (xx0232@1)                   G (320003@1)             CAnd (x32010@1)don't ever ever take for granted what grew from every kiss you planted
C (x32010@1)                         DIf (xx0232@1)a heart can break then a heart can feel
       G (320003@1)                CIt's (x32010@1)to know that you're alive and real
C (x32010@1)                         DLike (xx0232@1)the rattlin, bouncin little white ball
       G (320003@1)        CNot (x32010@1)a number on a roulette wheel
C (x32010@1)          D (xx0232@1)            C (x32010@1)              GAnd (320003@1)hair it turns grey and skin it turns to leather
         C (x32010@1)             D (xx0232@1)               G (320003@1)        CBut (x32010@1)the best thing about growing old is we all do it together

G (320003@1)               D (xx0232@1)       CSo (x32010@1)I'll just plant a tree I'll never see grow
      G (320003@1)                      D (xx0232@1)         CPut (x32010@1)a seed in the ground where no one'll know
       G (320003@1)                   D (xx0232@1)     CGonna (x32010@1)make my plan when the morning breaks
       G (320003@1)                 D (xx0232@1)        CBut (x32010@1)I just don't know how long it'll take


C (x32010@1)                                     DThey (xx0232@1)say that a love that's shared is a love that's carried
        G (320003@1)                      CAll (x32010@1)the way to the church where you'll be married
C (x32010@1)                               D (xx0232@1)              G (320003@1)        
          CAnd (x32010@1)it's a long old way down the aisle to alter and you don't have the time to falter
C (x32010@1)               DLove (xx0232@1)will always come and go I hope
      G (320003@1)               CBut (x32010@1)sometimes love goes up in smoke
C (x32010@1)                             DAnd (xx0232@1)you're left there with the greedy ghost
     G (320003@1)           CAnd (x32010@1)just when you need them most
C (x32010@1)                        DSome (xx0232@1)of your friends have disappeared
     G (320003@1)             CAnd (x32010@1)others started acting weird
            C (x32010@1)                      DAnd (xx0232@1)you're left on your bed with an awful feeling
              G (320003@1)                      CTill (x32010@1)you've learned by heart all the cracks in the ceiling
C (x32010@1)                    D (xx0232@1)                    G (320003@1)             
  CAnd (x32010@1)you think Oh god I just related to that awful love song I always hated
C (x32010@1)                  D (xx0232@1)                   G (320003@1)              CAnd (x32010@1)the past it all becomes distorted like it was broke before you bought it
C (x32010@1)                  DRemember, (xx0232@1)you're the one who paid
           G (320003@1)            CPulled (x32010@1)the pin out of the hand grenade
C (x32010@1)                DIt's (xx0232@1)up to you to leave your room
     G (320003@1)            CBut (x32010@1)don't forget to bring your spade

G (320003@1)                 D (xx0232@1)       CSo (x32010@1)you can plant a tree you'll never see grow
      G (320003@1)                      D (xx0232@1)       CPut (x32010@1)a seed in the ground where no one'll know
      G (320003@1)           D (xx0232@1)        CGonna (x32010@1)make my plan forever to roam
      G (320003@1)                 D (xx0232@1)    CGonna (x32010@1)feed my nan in the nursing home
      G (320003@1)                      D (xx0232@1)     CGonna (x32010@1)make that plan when the morning breaks
      G (320003@1)                 D (xx0232@1)         CBut (x32010@1)I just don't know how long It'll take

C (x32010@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D G (320003@1)name="chord_x32010@1">C D (xx0232@1)name="chord_x32010@1">C
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