DMB - - Exodus Performed by Dave Matthews Band (Stephan Lessard) on some concert I have. If you have never heard this please E-Mail me cause that is a shame. Tabbed By Scott Pearson AIM=zkewlguy ok, as you know I can't write any of the time stuff but It aint that hard to figure out, just listen to the song. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some times he does this in the first verse I-------------I AND/OR I-------------I I-------------I I-------------I I-----3-------I I------33-----I I-3-5----345--I I--333-----5--I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the main part thang.. I-----------------------I I-----------------------I I------------3----------I I--5-3-5-3-5---5-3-4-5--I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Heres something I made up but it sounds cool in there.... (you should never do exactly what anyone tells you to do because you could train a monkey to do this) I------------------------------------I I------------------------------------I I--5555-3333-5555-----------3--------I I-----------------5-3-5-3-5---5-345--I ( ------------3- ) ( 5-3-5-3-5-3--- ) the top thing would be played at the speed of the regular fill thang >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I----------------------------------------I I----7---9--10----12---------------------I I-------------------------------3--------I I--5---7---8---10-----5-3-5-3-5---5-345--I "Exodus..........Moment of the people er whatever." You start there from the original thang. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somewhere near the end they go like dis... I---------I I---------I I----3----I I--5---5--I a whole buncha time and it's cool to throw in some hard plucks and slaps! Well, thats about it. Like I said ya kinda gotta do your own thing. This is just what I do Once again, if you have never heard Exodus please E-Mail me and I will send you a great quality mp3 of it. here's my page, guaranteed not to be updated