Artist - David Ford Track - Perfect Soul Album - Charge Tabbed By - Skunkwaffle Intro riff E|------------------| B|------5-7p5-------| G|--/5--------7p5---| D|------------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| Main chord progression played during the verses and choruses C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1) e|----------x-x------------|-----5--5-x-x------------| B|--5--5--5-x-x------------|-----5--5-x-x------------| G|--5--5--5-x-x--5h7--5h7--|-----5--5-x-x--5h7--5h7--| D|--5--5--5-x-x--5----5----|--7--7--7-x-x--5----5----| A|--3--3--3-x-x------------|--7--7--7-x-x------------| E|-------------------------|--5--5--5-x-x------------| G (320003@1) F (133211@1) Ge|-----3--3-x-x--3----3-x-x--|--1---1--1-3--3--3-3--| (320003@1)B|-----3--3-x-x--3----3-x-x--|--1---1--1-3--3--3-3--| G|--4--4--4-x-x--3h4--4-x-x--|--2---2--2-4--4--4-4--| D|--5--5--5-x-x--5----5-x-x--|--3---3--3-5--5--5-5--| A|--5--5--5-x-x--5------x-x--|--3---3--3-5--5--5-5--| E|--3--3--3-x-x--3------x-x--|--1---1--1-3--3--3-3--| C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1) e|----------x-x------------|-----5--5-x-x------------| B|--5--5--5-x-x------------|-----5--5-x-x------------| G|--5--5--5-x-x--5h7--5h7--|-----5--5-x-x--5h7--5h7--| D|--5--5--5-x-x--5----5----|--7--7--7-x-x--5----5----| A|--3--3--3-x-x------------|--7--7--7-x-x------------| E|-------------------------|--5--5--5-x-x------------| G (320003@1) F (133211@1) Ee|-----3--3-x-x--3----3-x-x--|--1---1--1------------| (022100@1)B|-----3--3-x-x--3----3-x-x--|--1---1--1------------| G|--4--4--4-x-x--3h4--4-x-x--|--2---2--2-1--1--1-1--| D|--5--5--5-x-x--5----5-x-x--|--3---3--3-2--2--2-2--| A|--5--5--5-x-x--5------x-x--|--3---3--3-2--2--2-2--| E|--3--3--3-x-x--3------x-x--|--1---1--1-0--0--0-0--| Prechorus F (133211@1) F# (244322@1) G (320003@1) Gm (355333@1) F# (244322@1) e|--1--1--1-x-x--1-1--2--|--3--3--3-x-x--3-3----2--| B|--1--1--1-x-x--1-1--2--|--3--3--3-x-x--3-3----2--| G|--2--2--2-x-x--2-2--3--|--4--4--4-x-x--4-3h4--3--| D|--3--3--3-x-x--3-3--4--|--5--5--5-x-x--5-5----4--| A|--3--3--3-x-x--3-3--4--|--5--5--5-x-x--5-5----4--| E|--1--1--1-x-x--1-1--2--|--3--3--3-x-x--3-3----2--| F (133211@1) F# (244322@1) G (320003@1) Intro riff again e|--1--1--1-x-x--1-1--2--|--3--3--3--|----------------| B|--1--1--1-x-x--1-1--2--|--3--3--3--|-----5-7p5------| G|--2--2--2-x-x--2-2--3--|--4--4--4--|--/5-------7p5--| D|--3--3--3-x-x--3-3--4--|--5--5--5--|----------------| A|--3--3--3-x-x--3-3--4--|--5--5--5--|----------------| E|--1--1--1-x-x--1-1--2--|--3--3--3--|----------------| During the verses, pre-choruses, and choruses, the second guitar plays the same chords in open position without the hammer-ons or intro riff. VERSE 1: C (x32010@1) AmIf (x02210@1)you crave for romance I will show up bearing flowers G (320003@1) F (133211@1) Gand (320003@1)if you need a good listener I could hear you talk for hours C (x32010@1) AmIf (x02210@1)you're in need of something stronger I will be your man G (320003@1) F (133211@1) Eand (022100@1)if you want somebody just to make the effort I'll do everything I can PRE-CHORUS 1: (note the F comes a beat before the singing) F (133211@1) F# (244322@1) G (320003@1) Just don't go pinning all your hopes down on me Gm (355333@1)F# (244322@1) F (133211@1) cause i can make you a pretty promise girl F# (244322@1)name="chord_320003@1">G but that's no guarantee. CHORUS: C (x32010@1) AmCause (x02210@1)I'm no perfect soul G (320003@1) F (133211@1)name="chord_320003@1">G These days I'm rolling out of control C (x32010@1) Ambut (x02210@1)all I know to be true G (320003@1) F (133211@1)name="chord_022100@1">E is I got good intentions for you VERSE 2: C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1)So if you need a cleaner I'll take out the trash G (320003@1) F (133211@1) Gand (320003@1)if you're short on money girl well I can spare a little cash C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1) and if you cannot hold your liquor well honey I'll hold back your hair G (320003@1) F (133211@1) EIf (022100@1)all you need is some distraction girl well hey what's that over there PRE-CHORUS 2: F (133211@1) F# (244322@1)name="chord_320003@1">G I swear you'll never find me whoring around Gm (355333@1)F# (244322@1) F (133211@1) F# (244322@1)G (320003@1) well I know there's plenty other ways that I can let you down CHORUS: C (x32010@1) AmCause (x02210@1)I'm no perfect soul G (320003@1) F (133211@1)name="chord_320003@1">G These days I'm rolling out of control C (x32010@1) Ambut (x02210@1)all I know to be true G (320003@1) F (133211@1)name="chord_022100@1">E is I got good intentions for you BRIDGE: (Second guitar plays the lead pre-chorus part while the lead plays this) Dm (xx0231@1) G (320003@1) So if you need a dancing partner I'll bust out some awkward moves Dm (xx0231@1) GAnd (320003@1)if you settle for some loser girl I sure know how to lose CHORUS: (Second guitar does not play the first two lines) C (x32010@1) AmCause (x02210@1)I'm no perfect soul G (320003@1) F (133211@1)name="chord_320003@1">G These days I'm mostly out of control C (x32010@1) Ambut (x02210@1)all I know to be true G (320003@1) F (133211@1) Gsee (320003@1)I got these good intentions for you good intentions for you CHORUS: C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1) I'm no perfect soul G (320003@1) F (133211@1) Gthese (320003@1)days well that's just the way I roll C (x32010@1) Amand (x02210@1)all I know to be true G (320003@1) you see I got these good intentions F (133211@1) G (320003@1) CI (x32010@1)got these good intentions good intentions for you AmI'm (x02210@1)no perfect soul G (320003@1) F (133211@1) Gthese (320003@1)days these days I'm outta control C (x32010@1) Ambut (x02210@1)all I know to be true G (320003@1) Fis (133211@1)I got good intentions for you (The songs fades out on the record, but in live performances he ends on an open E) Learn to play "David Ford" with online video lessons UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! 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