Holiday In Cambodia by The Dead Kennedys My first time tabbing something up. Feedback would be very appreciated! This is a really fun and easy song to play on bass guitar, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. C: Intro: G|-----------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------| E|8-8-8-7-6-5555555-8-8-8-7-6-5555555| (Play as necessary... sorry, I'm too lazy to count it out for you.) ^^; I know that bass isn't played at all in this part so don't flame me for this, but I sounded this out, I think it goes along with the lead guitar pretty well. Please try it. :3 If you do you'll know which part I'm talking about. ^^ G|----------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------| A|12/3-3-6-5--4-3-8-7--12/3-3-6-5--4-3-8-7| E|----------------------------------------| Just a reminder, pick A on fret 12 and slide down to 3, once you get there pick 3 again. Sounds like it doesn't it? C: 1rst Verse: Basically same as the Intro until you get to the part where Jello starts singing: "Playin' ethnicky jazz to parade your snazz..." (Remember! The picking and transitioning in this song is fast paced, it's fun and easy, but like everything else in the world it takes practice.) ;) G|------------------------------| D|------------------------------| A|--------5555555--------5555555| E|3333333--------3333333--------| (Play as necessary.) "It's time to taste what you most fear..." G|------------------------------| D|------------------------------| A|55555553333333----3333--------| E|--------------3333----55555555| (Play as necessary.) "Brace yourself my deeeeeeaaaaarrrr..." G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|5555555777777788888887777777| E|----------------------------| Once again, play as needed, however; the final part of this riff goes: G|-------------------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------------------| A|5555555777777788888887777777-55555557777777888888878787| E|-------------------------------------------------------| Chorus: "IT'S A HOLIDAY IN CAMBODIA!" \M/(>o<)\M/ G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|-------5555555-------5555555| E|5555555-------5555555-------| Play again ending like this: G|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|-------5555555--------------| E|5555555-------55555551111111| "Don't forget to pack a wife." Okay, time for the 2nd Verse. Just play what I showed you above, it's simple enough. After that, play chorus one more time. Now, the lead guitar is gonna be showing off, keep the rhythm: G|-----------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------| E|8-8-8-7-6-5555555-8-8-8-7-6-5555555| (Play as necessary.) Now follow along with the lead guitar: G|------------------------------| D|------------------------------| A|55555553333333----3333--------| E|--------------3333----55555555| (Play as necessary.) Here's a new part.(Still following along with lead guitar.): G|--------------------------| D|--------------------------| A|0000000333333355555558-8-8| E|--------------------------| Now Jello is singing: "Pol... pot... pol... pot..." Play this until you get to the Chorus. Play the Chorus one more time, and then... G|---| D|---| A|---| E|3-5| "POL POT!" :D BOOM! You're done. C: If you've scrolled down this far, I'd really love to say thank you soooooo much for checking out my bass tab! X3 Please rate and comment, like I said above; it would be very appreciated and helpful. Thanks! And ROCK ON! \M/(>w<)\M/